§ Mr. Paul MarsdenTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what rules apply to the disclosure of interests on the part of those serving on public bodies which are responsible to his Department. [56455]
§ Ms KeebleAll advisory and executive non-departmental public bodies are required to adopt a board members' code, based on guidance produced by the Cabinet Office, and they should have registers of interests. The definition of interests is ultimately for individual Departments since they are best placed to decide what might be thought to influence members of their NDPBs.
The following table lists the NDPBs sponsored by this Department and in each case indicates what the relevant code of practice is and where it is available.
NDPB Code of practice Availability Health and Safety Commission Code of practice, including conflicts of interest for board members. Available on request from the Commission Housing Action Trusts Code of conduct and register of board members' interests. Available on request from the Trusts Housing Corporation Code of best practice for board members of the Housing Corporation. www.housingcorp.gsx.gov.uk Parliamentary Boundary Commission for England Code of practice www.statistics.gov.uk./pbc Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Wales Code of practice currently not available as the Commission are moving their website. From 1 July, the website will be hosted by the National Assembly for Wales, where the code of practice will be available for viewing. Property Advisory Group Code of practice and public register of interests On request via the Secretariat, Zone 3/G10, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU. Northern Lighthouse Board Code of best practice for board members which includes a commitment to the Principles of Standards of Public Life. On request from Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Lighthouse Board, 84 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3DA. Rent Assessment Panels Guidance to members on conflicts of interest and a register of interest. Available on request from RAPCU, Whittington House, 19–30 Alfred Place, London, WC1E 7LR. Parties to cases being dealt with by RAPs are advised of the existence of the register and how it may be inspected. Standards Board for England Code of conduct www.standardsboard.co.uk/board/membersCodeOfConduct Strategic Rail Authority Code of conduct currently being prepared, to be formally in place this summer. A register of interests is maintained. On request from SRA, 55 Victoria Street, London, SW1E OEU Traffic Area Networks No code of conduct or register of interests maintained. Trinity House Lighthouse Service Code of best practice for board members which includes a commitment to the Principles of Standards of Public Life. On request from Director of Administration, Trinity House Lighthouse Service, Tower Hill, London, EC3N 4DH