HC Deb 15 May 2002 vol 385 cc691-3W
26. Mr. Jim Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what aid her Department is providing to Zimbabwe; for what purpose; and what steps they are taking to ensure that it reaches the intended destination. [54763]

Clare Short

DFID provided assistance of approximately £16 million for Zimbabwe in 2001–02. Our programme is fully focused on mitigating the humanitarian crisis and combating HIV/AIDs.

Due to the continuing poor policy environment, I have recently permanently closed a number of activities which were previously suspended, as it is now impossible for these to achieve their original objectives. This included a project on poverty monitoring and analysis with the Ministry of Social Welfare, and the civil society Land Resettlement Challenge Fund. One remaining programme, supporting a local district council, will cease in September on completion of outstanding works. All other programmes work with non-Governmental and multilateral organisations, and we continue to monitor these very closely to ensure maximum impact on intended beneficiaries.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what steps she is taking to reduce levels of HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. [55884]

Clare Short

With an adult HIV infection rate of 35 per cent., it is estimated that AIDS claims the lives of over 2,000 Zimbabweans weekly and that up to 900,000 children have lost one or both parents. AIDS is a major factor in poverty, affecting the lives of sufferers and those who care for them and orphaned children. It is a priority for DFID' s programme in Zimbabwe.

Currently DFID is spending around £6 million annually in Zimbabwe on the provision of condoms and other contraceptives; targeted HIV prevention; the provision of drugs for sexually transmitted infections and TB; and strengthening civil society organisations that care for people living with AIDS. DFID supports innovative ways of reaching young people, sex workers, and mobile populations including partnering with Coke-Zimbabwe to promote condom use in rural areas.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what assessment she has made of the effectiveness of the New Partnership for Africa's Development in bringing good Government to Zimbabwe. [55885]

Clare Short

As an African owned and led initiative, we believe that NEPAD is of significant importance, but is a long-term process. Peer review of governance issues is one of its key elements. If Zimbabwe signs up to this, such reviews can help increase pressure for reform, a message that may carry greater weight coming from Africa's leaders.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development when she last held meetings with officials from the Government of (a) South Africa and (b) Nigeria to discuss the political situation in Zimbabwe. [55888]

Clare Short

I have had no such meetings recently. Officials from my Department and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have frequent contacts with representatives of African Governments to share concerns about developments in Zimbabwe.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development when she last held discussions with representatives from the Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe. [55886]

Clare Short

I last met Morgan Tsvangirai and other senior members of the MDC leadership on 2 July 2001. DFID officials have continued a dialogue with MDC representatives and with a wide range of civil society organisations on matters of developmental and humanitarian interest.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what steps she is taking to improve food security levels in Zimbabwe. [55882]

Clare Short

It is for the Government of Zimbabwe to provide leadership in improving food security in Zimbabwe. As yet there is no credible national plan to tackle the problems, which continue to deteriorate. DFID has provided £3.5 million to the World Food Programme and £4 million to NGOs to help feed children and vulnerable adults. We are waiting for the results of a new UN food assessment that is currently under way, and we will consider any new proposals that may arise from its findings.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what policy her Department is pursuing to encourage the restoration of democratic Government to Zimbabwe. [55881]

Clare Short

We believe that the restoration of democratic Government to Zimbabwe is essential if Zimbabwe is to restore its economy and services to its people. Her Majesty's Government will continue to work closely with colleagues in the EU, the Commonwealth, the United States and other countries to impress this on the Zimbabwe authorities. We are also working closely with African countries to this end.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what NGOs and charities her Department supports in Zimbabwe. [55883]

Clare Short

I will write to the hon. Member.

Mrs. Spelman

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what assessment she has made of the levels of political violence in Zimbabwe; and if she will make a statement on her Department's strategy to deal with political violence in Zimbabwe. [55887]

Mr. MacShane

I have been asked to reply.

Politically motivated violence in Zimbabwe continues unabated.

We deplore the failure of the Zimbabwean Government to take steps to stop the violence. In response, the international community, including the UK, has imposed a number of measures against the Zimbabwean regime, including an arms embargo, a travel ban and an assets freeze aimed at senior figures. The EU, US and others have said they will consider additional measures if the political violence and abuses of democratic principles do not stop. We support this.