HC Deb 15 May 2002 vol 385 c698W
Tony Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what action she plans to take at the Development Council Meeting at the end of May to promote the pursuit of the millennium development goals for education. [56163]

Clare Short

On 30 May EU Development Ministers are expected to approve a Council resolution on education and training in the context of poverty reduction in developing countries. This recognises that education, especially of girls and women, is central for poverty reduction and sustainable development, and the community and member states undertake to adjust their policies and allocation of resources to reflect this.

Reiterating the Council's strong commitment to the education millennium development goals and to the Dakar framework for action on education for all (EFA), the resolution indicates that universal and free primary education should be the first priority of the community and member states' development cooperation strategy for education. The main responsibility for meeting these goals lies with developing country Governments. But the Commission and member states will strongly support their efforts, undertaking to increase the volume and improve the delivery of assistance for primary education and to cooperate more effectively with other international organisations, like UNESCO and the World bank.

The UK has been actively involved in the drafting of this resolution and will strongly support, and closely monitor, its implementation.