HC Deb 15 May 2002 vol 385 cc707-9W
Dr. Iddon

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if she will list those organisations and individuals who have been sent copies of the consultation document "Making Decisions: Helping People who have Difficulty Deciding for Themselves". [55289]

Ms Rosie Winterton

The consultation document "Making Decisions: Helping People who have Difficulty Deciding for Themselves" has been sent to the organisations listed who have an interest in all aspects of mental incapacity. Many private individuals have also received copies on request and the document is available on our website.

List of Organisations



The Alzheimer's Society Action on Elder Abuse Age Concern

Age Concern Cymru

Help the Aged

Values into Action

People First

British Medical Association

General Medical Council

Royal College of Nursing

The Law Society

The Bar Council

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners

Solicitors for the Elderly

Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists

Royal College of Psychiatrists

National Association of Citizen's Advice Bureaux

The Local Government Association

The Voluntary Euthanasia Society

The Association of Directors of Social Services

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

Citizen Advocacy Information and Training

Christian Action Research and Education (CARE)

The Pro-Life Alliance


Carers UK

The Abbeyfield Society

Action for Victims of Medical Accidents

Advice Services Alliance

Advocacy Partners Age-Link

The Ann Craft Trust Association for Residential Care

Association of Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes

British Association for Service to the Elderly

British Council of Organisations of Disabled People

British Geriatrics Society

British Pensioners and Trade Unions Action Association

British Society of Dentistry for the Handicapped


Centre for Policy on Ageing

Consumers' Association Contact the Elderly

Continuing Care at Home Association

Counsel and Care

Mental After Care Association

Mental Health Media Legal Action Group

Disabilities Alliance Educational and Research Association

Disability Awareness in Action

Disability Law Service Research into Ageing

The National Autistic Society

Social Care Association

The Society for the Autistically Handicapped

United Kingdom Homecare Association


National Association for Mental After-Care in Registered Care

National Benevolent Fund for the Aged

National Care Homes Association

National Council for Hospice and Special Palliative Care

National Development Team for People with Learning Disabilities

National Pensioners Convention Council

National Schizophrenia Fellowship

National Society for Mentally Handicapped People in Residential Care

Nuffield Foundation

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group

Down's Heart Group

Down's Syndrome Association

Christian Council on Ageing

Pensioners' Voice Relatives Association

Research Institute for Consumer Affairs

Dementia Care Trust Home from Hospital

Headway National Head Injuries Association Ltd.

Long-Term Medical Conditions Alliance

Forum of Chairmen of Independent Hospices

Hospice Information Service

Law Centres Federation


Retirement Trust

United Response

Manic Depression Fellowship


Sign—Campaigning for Services in Mental Health and Deafness

Patients Association

Stroke Association

Patient Concern

Better Government for Older People Network

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation

British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers

Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society

Rehab Without Walls

Relatives and Residents Association



Prince's Royal Trust for Carers

Terence Higgins Trust

London Lighthouse

Body Positive

Mary Ward Legal Advice Centre

Caring Matters

Tizard Centre

Medical Defence Union

Medico-Legal Society

Society for Advanced Legal Studies

Society of Clinical Psychiatrists

President of the Family Division

Royal College of GPs

Royal College of Surgeons

Association of Wardens of Sheltered Housing

Association of Home Care Agencies.

Dr. Iddon

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what assistance she received from the Voluntary Euthanasia Society prior to publication of the consultation document, "Making Decisions: Helping People who have Difficulty Deciding for Themselves". [55290]

Ms Rosie Winterton

The consultation document, "Making Decisions: Helping People who have Difficulty Deciding for Themselves" seeks views on a series of leaflets which offer practical guidance and set out the current legal position with regard to decision-making on behalf of mentally incapacitated adults. As part of the compilation of this guidance, the Voluntary Euthanasia Society commented on factual information that was to be provided on advance directives.