HL Deb 13 May 2002 vol 635 cc20-1WA
Lord Jacobs

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In the National Health Service at the end of fiscal years 1996–97 and 2001–02, what was the number, actual or estimated, of (a) all employees; (b) doctors; (c) nurses; (d) other medical staff; (e) ancillary staff; and (f) other designated groups. [HL3986]

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath

Workforce information is collected annually on 30 September. The latest date for which information is available is 30 September 2001.

Between September 1997 and September 2001 the number of consultants increased by 4,320 (20 per cent) and the number of nurses by 31,520 (10 per cent).

NHS Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) and General Practice staff: All NHS staff as at 30 September each year
1996 1997 2000 2001
Total excluding GP retainers1 1,056,500 1,058,690 1,117,840 1,166,020
All doctors 86,580 89,620 97,440 100,320
All doctors excluding retainers 86,580 89,620 96,320 99,170
Consultants 20,300 21,370 24,310 25,690
of which hospital medical consultants 19,220 20,200 23,040 24,400
Registrar group 11,380 11,910 12,730 13,220
of which hospital medical registrar group 10,840 11,360 12,160 12,650
Other doctors in training 18,640 19,550 20,270 20,690
Of which hospital medical doctors in training 16,990 17,920 18,690 19,070
Hospital practitioners and clinical assistants2 6,740 6,610 5,620 5,360
Other hospital medical staff 3,330 3,780 5,860 6,360
Other medical and dental staff 3,820 3,620 2,900 2,530
GMPs excluding retainers 29,120 29,390 30,250 30,680
Unrestricted principals and equivalents 26,860 27,100 27,700 27,840
Other practitioners3 960 950 890 960
GP registrars 1,300 1,340 1,660 1,880
GP retainers ֵ ֵ 1,120 1,150
Qualified Nurses 319,150 318,860 335,950 350,380
HCHS qualified nurses 301,250 300,470 316,750 330,540
Practice nurses4 17,900 18,390 19,200 19,850
Qualified scientific, therapeutic and technical staff 94,320 96,300 105,910 110,240
Of which: qualified Allied Health Professionals5 43,910 45,020 49,360 51,320
Other staff 556,450 553,910 579,660 606,220
HCHS unqualified nursing staff6 137,630 140,940 153,590 163,190
Unqualified scientific, therapeutic and technical staff 24,330 24,340 26,590 28,810
Management and support staff7 315,010 306,970 316,410 329,750
Practice staff other than nurses8 79,480 81,660 83,070 84,470
1 Figures for GP retainers were first collected in 1999. They are excluded from this total so that figures are comparable across years.
2 Most of these doctors also work as GPs. To avoid double counting, medical hospital practitioners and medical clinical assistants are not included in the All Doctors total.
3 Other Practitioners include Assistants, Restricted Principals, Salaried Doctors (para 52 SFA) and PMS Other GPs.
4 Practice nurse headcount information was estimated in 1991,1992,1993,1998 and 1999. Underlying figures for 2000 suggest the practice nurse figure may be an overestimate.
5 Allied Health Professionals are qualified staff from chiropody, dietetics, occupational therapy, orthoptics/optics, physiotherapy, radiography and art/music/drama therapy occupational codes.
6 Includes Healthcare Assistants and learners (but excludes nurses in training).
7 Includes ambulance staff, administrative & estates staff, support and other staff.
8 Includes Direct Patient Care, Admin & Clerical and Other.

Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.

Due to rounding totals may not equal the sum of component parts.

ֵNot applicable.


Department of Health Non-Medical Workforce Census.

Department of Health Medical and Dental Workforce Census.

Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.