HC Deb 08 May 2002 vol 385 c198W
Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland which public service agreement targets scheduled to be met in 2002 will not he achieved by the due date. [44816]

Dr. John Reid

PSA target 6 states "Continued protection for the community by ensuring that no high risk prisoner escapes and that the number of prison escapes does not exceed three per 1,000 prisoners".

Targets set in the NI prison service's corporate and business plan 2001–04 are: 100 per cent. security for top and high risk prisoners; 99.7 per cent. security for medium and low risk prisoners.

The second target will not be met in the 2001–02 financial year since there have been three escapes in the medium and low risk prisoner category, which equates to 99.6 per cent. security.

PSA target 6 will therefore not be met in the 2001–02 financial year.