HC Deb 26 March 2002 vol 382 cc840-1W
Mr. Jenkins

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what key performance targets have been set for Her Majesty's Land Registry executive agency for 2002–03. [46793]

Mr. Wills

The following table sets out the key performance targets set by the Lord Chancellor for Her Majesty's Land Registry for 2002–03.


KPI 1—Unit Costs of Key Activities

KPI 1A—Selecting and preserving the public records per metre: To ensure that the unit cost does not rise above £107.00.

KPI 1B—Giving Access Onsite: To ensure that the unit cost per information transaction with customers onsite does not exceed £8.80.

KPI 1C—Giving Access Online: To ensure that the unit cost per information transaction with customers online does not exceed £0.15.

KPI 2—Backlog of records in departments reported as being over 30 years old and awaiting review: To reduce the backlog, assessed in January 2002 as 1987 metres, by 115 metres.

Quality of service

KPI 3—The achievement of Charter Standards as follows:

  1. A (i) to make newly opened records and their catalogues available to users in accordance with specified time targets.
  2. (ii) To answer 98.5 per cent. of written correspondence within 10 working days.
  3. (iii) To deliver records to users for consultation in the reading rooms in accordance with specified time targets.
  4. (iv) To supply 98.5 per cent. of copy orders in accordance with the specified targets and standards.
  5. (v) To answer 80 per cent. of telephone calls within 20 seconds.
  6. (vi) To keep 98.5 per cent. of appointments which visitors have made with us within 10 minutes.
  7. B To carry out four onsite satisfaction surveys and to achieve assessments of "good" or "excellent" from 90 per cent. of those expressing a view; to carry out two online satisfaction surveys and to achieve assessments of "good" or "excellent" from 80 per cent. of those expressing a view.

Income generation

KPI 4—To increase revenue generated by commercial activity to £850,000.

Modernising Government

KPI 5—Electronic Records Management: To support other government departments in achieving the government target for electronic records management by 2004 by:

  1. (i) monitoring progress in departments against milestones and reporting to the Lord Chancellor, the e-Government subgroup and departments every six months and to others as appropriate to the level of action required;
  2. (ii) targeting under-achieving departments and developing action plans to accelerate progress;
  3. (iii) delivering a programme of workshops to support the action plans.

KPI 6—Electronic Service Delivery: To develop digital access to popular records so that 20,000 digital record images are delivered to customers.

KPI 7—To raise an awareness of the PRO's holdings among under-represented groups in our user profile by means of a rigorous social inclusion programme, the chief components of which are:

  1. (i) To make available 90,000 images online as part of the "Moving Here" project.
  2. (ii) To conduct an evaluation exercise with users (remote, at Kew and at the FRC) of the usability of PROCAT, DORIS and PRO Online.
  3. (iii) To organise an event as part of Black History month and to produce one other targeted event.
  4. (iv) To organise an educational focus event as part of the London String of Pearls Golden Jubilee programme.

1 More information on these and other key targets is published in the Corporate and Business Plans.

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