HC Deb 25 March 2002 vol 382 cc721-2W
Malcolm Bruce

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what steps the Government have taken since the United Nations General Assembly Special Session in 1997 towards the objectives of(a) poverty eradication and (b) sustainable production and consumption patterns; and what steps are planned towards further progress on these objectives. [44353]

Mr. Meacher

The issues of poverty eradication and sustainable production and consumption have been addressed by a number of key strategies published since 1997. In particular, the UK Government's Sustainable Development Strategy, 'A Better Quality of Life' sets out an overarching strategy for achieving sustainable development through social progress which recognises the needs of everyone, effective protection of the environment, prudent use of natural resources, and maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment. It includes a set of indicators to measure progress. The 2001 Annual Report on progress with the strategy was published last week.

Related strategies include: the Government's poverty and social exclusion strategy, set out and monitored in the annual 'Opportunity for All' reports; the Climate Change Programme; the Waste Strategy for England; and the UK Fuel Poverty Strategy, which sets out the framework for addressing the problem of households who cannot afford to keep warm.

In the future, the Government's work will include taking forward the recommendations in the reports to Government from the Performance and Innovation Unit covering Resource Productivity, Energy, and the forthcoming one on Waste.

Malcolm Bruce

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what preparations her Department is making for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. [44362]

Mr. Meacher

DEFRA, working closely with other Departments, is leading on the UK's domestic and international preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). The Department is represented on MISC 18, the Cabinet Committee set up to co-ordinate, develop and deliver the Government's strategy for WSSD. DEFRA also chairs two official level groups which co-ordinate preparations for the summit and will be attending the third preparatory meeting in New York starting on 25 March.

DEFRA has also led on the development of a cross-Whitehall communications strategy to raise awareness of the summit. We are working closely with local authorities, NGOs, business and other organisations to ensure that we engage a wide range of stakeholders in the summit. DEFRA has also developed the Government sustainable development website (www.sustainabledevelopment.gov.uk) to include information on the WSSD.