HL Deb 25 March 2002 vol 633 cc8-9WA
Lord Hardy of Wath

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether offences against wild animals, and especially those involving the baiting and abuse of badgers, are classed as notifiable offences; and, if not, whether such a classification could be established without delay. [HL3213]

Lord Rooker

The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 provides the required statutory protection for badgers. The Act makes it an offence to cruelly kill, injure or take a badger or to attempt to do so, or to wilfully ill-treat a badger, or, intentionally or recklessly, to interfere with a badger sett by damaging it or any part of it.

These offences are recordable on the Police National Computer, although they are not notifiable to the Home Office for the purposes of the recorded crime statistics. These statistics are restricted to offences which are indictable or triable either way and a few closely associated summary offences. Although these arrangements may be changed without legislation, we do not consider that the additional

Body conducting review Purpose Date reported Body receiving report
Deloitte Touche Monitor and report on the efficiency and effectiveness with which the new asylum support arrangements are being implemented and operated; make recommendations for improvement where necessary October 2000 NASS management
INEX Consulting Determine where workflow and document management techniques could bring benefits. Possibly propose changes to the current processes (though s/he) should be aware of restrictions which legal and audit requirements, such as the separation of duties, place upon the possible alternatives February 2001 NASS management
Audit and Assurance Unit of the Home Office Procedures for asylum seekers support arrangements January 2001 Departmental Accounting Officer
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Audit and Assurance Unit of the Home Office Immigration Nationality Directorate (IND) payments—asylum seekers support new arrangements October 2001 Departmental Accounting Officer
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NASS Review of operation of the voucher scheme October 2001 Home Office Ministers
NASS Review of operation of dispersal October 2001 Home Office Ministers

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