HL Deb 21 March 2002 vol 632 cc173-4WA
Lord Desal

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they plan to announce the terms of reference for the review of BBC News 24. [HL3439]

Baroness Blackstone

The independent review of News 24 which my right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has asked Richard Lambert, formerly editor of theFinancial Times, to conduct will have the following terms of reference:

The independent reviewer shall:

— consider whether, in delivering its News 24 service, the BBC is acting in accordance with the facts and assurances upon which approval to proceed with the service was given;

— have regard, in reaching any conclusions, to:

  1. a) the BBC's own report on the performance of News 24 and to any subsequent evidence provided by the corporation; and
  2. b) views submitted by any other interested parties in response to the BBC's report;

— submit a report to the Secretary of State, in publishable form, by the end of June 2002, setting out his conclusions and, if appropriate, making any recommendations he believes necessary to ensure that News 24 is operated in line with the original approval.

My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport is today placing on the department's website, www.culture.gov.uk, the BBC's own report on the operation of News 24: this sets out the basis on which the service was approved. We are also arranging for copies to be placed in the Libraries of both Houses. Richard Lambert is writing to a range of organisations which may wish to comment to him. I would encourage all those with an interest to contribute their views.