HL Deb 20 March 2002 vol 632 cc155-6WA
Lord Acton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What the outcome was of the Employment and Social Policy Council held in Brussels on 7 March and what the Government's stance was on each issue discussed, including their voting record. [HL3363]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions (Baroness Hollis of Heigham)

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Malcolm Wicks) represented the UK at the Employment and Social Policy Council in Brussels on 7 March, together with the Minister of State for Employment Relations and the regions, my honourable friend the Member for Hull West and Hessle (Alan Johnson).

The main business of this Council was a debate in preparation for the forthcoming European Council in Barcelona. The Spanish Presidency issued its own conclusions. The UK supported the key themes of improved co-ordination of economic and employment policy and the importance of aligning the new European employment strategy with the Lisbon goal of full employment. Member states recognised the need to integrate disadvantaged groups, particularly older workers, into the labour market to achieve this goal and acknowledged the vital role played by lifelong learning in achieving the Lisbon targets.

Council also held an open debate on violence against women which formed the basis of Presidency Conclusions for Barcelona. There was consensus on the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to this issue, with broad agreement on the use of good practice guides and annual awareness raising campaigns at a European level. The fortcoming Danish Presidency will take forward this work in the context of the Council's annual follow-up of the member states' implementation of their commitments under the Beijing Platform for Action, including discussions on the necessity for, and potential scope of, indicators in this field.

The Presidency sought an outline position on the proposal for a directive updating the existing directive on the protection of workers from the risks of exposure to asbestos, pending the adoption by the European Parliament of its first reading opinion. After a debate, which hinged on a proposal to include a general ban on asbestos within the directive, the dossier was remitted to COREPER for further work.

The Council also heard a progress report on negotiations for the draft directive supplementing the proposed regulation for a statute on a European cooperative society in respect of employee involvement. Work will continue on this dossier in COREPER.

Among the other agenda items discussed, the Council approved the work programmes for the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee for 2002.

The Presidency noted that the UN 2nd World Conference on Ageing would be held in Madrid in April. A Commission communication will be produced as a contribution shortly.

The Presidency reported on a series of seminars and events that have taken place since the beginning of their Presidency.

No votes were taken at this Council.