HC Deb 18 March 2002 vol 382 c150W
Mr. Roy

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) how many part-time employment agency workers registered for jobseeker's allowance in the last 12 months; [39426]

(2) how many employment agency clients claim jobseeker's allowance for part of the working week in (a) Motherwell and Whishaw, (b) Lanarkshire, (c) Scotland and (d) the United Kingdom; [39427]

(3) what the average time taken is to process a new claim for jobseeker's allowance from part-time employment agency clients. [39425]

Malcolm Wicks

The information is not available in the format requested. Such information as is available is as follows. The national average time taken to clear a new claim to jobseeker's allowance (JSA), as at January 2002, is 9.7 days. The national target is to clear JSA claims within 12 days.