HC Deb 18 March 2002 vol 382 c29W
Margaret Moran

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what plans he has to require registered social landlords to submit annual figures on possession proceedings from actions entered in court to evictions. [43070]

Ms Keeble

We have no plans to require registered social landlords to submit this information. However, as mentioned in my answer of 29 January 2002,Official Report, column 146, my Department is discussing with the Court Service how to achieve a better breakdown of the data that they collect on possession orders by social landlords. This breakdown will show possession action in relation to rent arrears and anti-social behaviour and will enable us to monitor trends on such actions and improve our understanding of the causes of homelessness. The Court Service is aiming to put in place a revised system in the early part of 2002–03. Figures will then be available on a monthly basis.

Margaret Moran

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what plans he has to investigate the use of mandatory grounds for eviction by registered social landlords. [43073]

Ms Keeble

None. Registered social landlords (RSLs) are independent organisations regulated by the Housing Corporation. They must demonstrate compliance with the Housing Corporation's regulatory code and guidance, which requires them to seek possession of a property only as a last resort.

The Corporation's new inspection regime focuses on the quality and efficiency of registered social landlords' housing management services. The Corporation's regulators will report on inappropriate or unreasonable use of mandatory possession grounds where this comes to light during an inspection.