HL Deb 11 March 2002 vol 632 c57WA
Lord Greaves

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the purpose of the investigation by officials of the Social Services Inspectorate into Lancashire County Council's proposal to close 35 of its 48 homes for the elderly which has been ordered by Health Minister, Jacqui Smith MP; what is the timescale of the investigation; to whom it will report; and whether the findings will be published. [HL3083]

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath

The Social Services Inspectorate has been closely monitoring Lancashire County Council since it was placed under special measures in February 2000. Following the publication of the council's proposals to close a number of its care homes, the SSI is following closely the work undertaken by the council to assess its current care provision and to consult on future strategies with the National Health Service, local people and other interested parties. In line with the code of practice on open government, the analyses which the SSI will be passing to Ministers on a regular basis will not be published in order to permit frank discussions with the council.

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