HC Deb 08 March 2002 vol 381 cc626-30W
Mr. Damian Green

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will list the circular documents that have been sent by her Department to(a) primary schools and (b) secondary schools since 7 June 2001; and how many pages each document contained. [38803]

Mr. Timms

We have sent 85 documents to all primary schools in this period. The full list of titles and page numbers is contained in the following table.

Mailings to primary schools, 7 June 2001 to end February 2002
Date No
Sep 01 Data collection timetable for Schools 2
Guidance on Continuing Professional Development to CPD co-ordinators in schools 15
ICT in the Literacy hour (leaflet and CD ROM) 6
Preparation for the Annual School Census 2002 2
Revised guidance on school teachers pay and conditions 2001 36
School Performance tables: contextual, background and KS2 data for checking (outside batch—average page nos.) 19
School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document 2001 115
Schools Achieving Success 74
Schools Achieving Success—summary white paper 24
September 2001 class size count (infant) 3
Special Grant claim forms (via LEA) 10
Spectrum 19
The National Literacy Strategy—Teaching writing: Fiction and non-fiction 41
The way forward—A modernised framework for School governance 32
Threshold + Performance Management planner 4
Oct 01 After the events of 11 September 1
ELS Book—Early Literacy Support Programme: materials for teachers working in partnership with teaching assistants 158
Golden Jubilee Poetry Competition 2002 9
Key Stage 1—The Autumn Package 2001—Pupil Performance Information and Interactive Autumn Package 2001, Version 2.0 35
Key Stage 2—The Autumn Package 2001—Pupil Performance Information and Interactive Autumn Package 2001, Version 2.0 36
School Achievement Award Scheme 4
Schools: achieving success—Discussion Pack 1
Spectrum 46 12
Teachers magazine 20
Welcome back bonuses for returners to teaching—Guidance for schools and LEAs NEW 41
2001 School and College Performance Tables—how to get tables 1
Nov 01 Admission Appeals for Maintained Primary and Secondary Schools in England 1999–2000 3
Advanced Skills Teachers—Poster one 1
Fast track flyer—how to get more information about the fast track NEW 1
Information about a consultation on the overarching strategy for young people NEW 1
Introducing Consistent Financial reporting 30
School Finance Pack—Advance notification 1
SEN Update 6
Spectrum 8
Threshold certificates data checking NEW 5
Dec 01 Annual School Census 2002 21
Early Years Headcount 3
Inclusive schooling for pupils with Special Educational Needs NEW 32
SEN Code of Practice 210
The SEN Toolkit 224
Internet safety 1
Health and Safety: Responsibilities and powers 5
National Numeracy Strategy: Springboard 6 Lessons for use in booster classes 64
Education Bill 2001 10
Spectrum 6
Teacher certificates for threshold awards 1
Jan 02 Helping children achieve throughout Year 6—English and mathematics
Key Stage 1 and 2—schemes of work for citizenship 200
New Year letter from Secretary of State 2
Spectrum 8
Teacher magazine 20
Feb 02 Commonwealth Day message from the Queen—Celebrating Diversity 3
Spectrum 8
Springboard 6: Lessons for use in booster classes (second part) 72
Teachers Pay 2002–03 8
Total 1,755

Mailings to secondary schools, 7 June 2001 to end February 2002
Date No.
Jun 01 Letter from Estelle Morris 2
Order form for Which Way Now? 2001, Teacher's Notes for It's Your Choice (for Year 10 and/or 11 cohort), Teacher's Notes for It's Your Choice, Which Way Now? 2
SEN Update 7 6
Spectrum 43 8

Mailings to secondary schools, 7 June 2001 to end February 2002
Date No.
Jul 01 Factual leaflet for all teachers on pay 8
Final decisions on changes schools will make on performance tables returns in 2001 NEW 3
New deal for schools. NDS devolved formula capital 6
School Teachers' Pay and Conditions of Employment 2001 36
Spectrum 44 10
Letter about delay in SEN Code 2
Sep 01 Data collection timetable for schools 2
Guidance on Continuing Professional Development to CPD co-ordinators in schools NEW 15
Introduction to the Student Apprenticeship scheme 20
Preparation for the Annual School Census 2002 NEW 4
Revised guidance on school teachers' pay and conditions 2001 36
School and College Performance tables: Examination results data checking collection (outside batch—average page nos.) 25
School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document 2001 115
Schools Achieving Success NEW 74
Schools Achieving Success—summary white paper 24
September Pupil Count 2001 (via LEA) 5
Special Grant claim forms (via LEA) 10
Spectrum 19
Target Setting at Key Stage 4 (KS4) NEW 3
The way forward—A modernised framework for School governance NEW 32
Threshold + Performance Management planner 4
Oct 01 After the events of 11 September 1
Key Stage 3—The Autumn Package 2001—Pupil Performance Information and Interactive Autumn Package 2001, Version 2.0 36
School Achievement Award Scheme 4
Schools: achieving success—Discussion Pack NEW 1
Golden Jubilee Poetry Competition 2002 NEW 9
Spectrum 46 6
Welcome back bonuses for returners to teaching—Guidance for schools and LEAs NEW 41
Nov 01 Advanced Skills Teachers—Poster one 1
Aim Higher. Information to encourage disadvantaged young people into HE 1
Fast tracker flyer—Headteachers are you interested in recruiting a teacher who… 1
Information about Building a Strategy for Children and Young People 1
Introducing Consistent Financial reporting NEW 30
Key Stage 4—The Autumn Package 2001—Pupil Performance Information and Interactive Autumn Package 2001, Version 2.0 65
New GCSEs in vocational subjects 2
School and College Performance tables—Letter about PIN to access pre-publication performance tables 1
Consistent Financial Reporting—Advance notification 5
Special Educational Needs Update 6
Threshold certificates data checking 5
Dec 01 Annual School Census 2002 18
Autumn Exclusions data collection 2002 1
SEN Code of Practice NEW 210
Inclusive schooling for pupils with Special Educational Needs NEW 32
The SEN Toolkit NEW 224
Internet safety NEW 1
Health and Safety: Responsibilities and powers NEW 5
Education Bill 2001 NEW 10
Spectrum 8
Teacher certificates for threshold awards NEW 1
Jan 02 Spectrum 8
Working with Connexions NEW 8
New Year letter from Secretary of State 2
Feb 02 Consultation paper—14–19: Extending opportunities, raising standards NEW 87
Poster—14–19: Extending opportunities, raising standards
Response form—14–19: Extending opportunities, raising standards 20
Summary—14–19: Extending opportunities, raising standards 18
Commonwealth Day message from the Queen—Celebrating Diversity 3
Spectrum 8
Student support 2002–03 4
Total 1,355