HC Deb 24 June 2002 vol 387 cc647-9W
Nick Harvey

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how much money her Department has spent on consultants in each financial year since 1997, giving(a) the project for which the consultant was employed, (b) the dates on which the consultant was employed, (c) the name of the consultant and (d) the tendering process used for hiring the consultant. [63375]

Dr. Howells

There is no central register of contracts held for procurement exercises undertaken outside of the central procurement team. Approval is required to proceed for any single tender action above £5,000.

There follows a list of contracts placed by the procurement team in the relevant periods. All followed competitive tender.

spectrum used also for analogue and digital television broadcasting. The Government appreciate fully the importance of the radio spectrum in underpinning this activity.

The recent joint DTI/DCMS consultation process (Digital Television: The Principles for Spectrum Planning) sought views on the basis on which we should plan the use of this spectrum for digital television and other services once the analogue signals can be switched off. The responses will inform decisions about the amount of spectrum that might be dedicated to programme-making use after switchover, and also the future arrangements for the way that the programme-makers will share spectrum within digital TV networks. We will ensure, through careful planning and consultation with programme makers, minimal disruption.

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry meets with many organisations to hear and discuss their views. The programme-making community is also closely involved with Ministers and other stakeholders within the Digital Action Plan arrangements.