HC Deb 18 June 2002 vol 387 cc306-7W
Norman Baker

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many requests were made, broken down by Government office region, for planning applications to be called in for the last year for which figures are available; and, for each region, how many were called in. [62580]

Mr. McNulty

The number of requests to call in planning applications is not recorded. The number of planning applications called-in within each Government office region between 1 April 2001 and 31 March 2002 is as follows.

Government office Called-in
North-east 11
North-west 14
Yor shire and the Humber 13
West Midlands 23
East Midlands 16
East 7
South-west 12
South-east 22
London 4
Total 122

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