§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement setting out(a) the matters to be covered by the Code of Practice for NHS Professionals, (b) when it is to be completed, (c) how he intends to publish it and (d) the timetable for publication. [56616]
§ Mr. HuttonThe contents of the Code of Practice for the supply of temporary staffing will cover a generic section and professional specific appendices. The generic section covers; advertising/publicity, commission rates/ management fee, continuing professional development, criminal record bureau, equal opportunities and human rights, induction, management of information, management of service, monitoring and adherence, occupational health services, obligations of provider to their own employees, pay and conditions, placement fees, quality assurance and complaints procedures, recruitment and selection process, retaining and maintaining documents, work status.
1313WThe code is scheduled to be completed, published and distributed in summer 2002.
§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health whether he estimates that NHS Professionals will meet its target of operating across all NHS organisations and staff groups by April 2003. [56615]
§ Mr. HuttonNHS Professionals continues to be planned and extended in order to be a nationally operating service by April 2003.
§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health how many call centres have been set up for NHS Professionals. [56612]
§ Mr. HuttonThere are currently five call centres across the service of NHS Professionals.
§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health what dedicated IT infrastructure is in place to support NHS Professionals. [56613]
§ Mr. HuttonEach provider of NHS Professionals has sourced their information technology solutions to support a nationally integrated network.
§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health what percentage of NHS temporary staff he estimates will be provided by NHS Professionals by April 2003. [56614]
§ Mr. HuttonNHS Professionals aims to be the primary provider of temporary health care staff to the national health service by April 2003.
§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list the names of the project board members of NHS Professionals. [56611]
§ Mr. HuttonThe National NHS Professionals and Agency Project Board are listed.
There are a number of other project and steering groups which feed into this national project board, whose membership and structure is determined locally.
Board members David Amos Deputy Director of Human Resources Directorate (Chair)—Department of Health Christine Beasley Regional Nurse Director DHSC—London Marcus Brindle NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency Department of Health Janet Coster Managing Director of NHS Professionals—WYMAS Neil Griffiths Director of Operations/Deputy Chief Executive Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Denis Gibson Chief Executive Workforce Development Confederation Caroline Fox National Lead for Temporary Staffing Department of Health Sandra Hatton Lead—Organisation and Leadership DHSC—London Josie Irwin Senior Employment Relations Adviser RCN Avril Imison Head of NHS Allied Health Professions Branch Department of Health
Board members Paul Jenkins NHS Direct National Project Manager Department of Health Debbie Mellor Acting Head of NHS Employment Department of Health Sue Meredith Director NHS Professionals—Oxford David Moore Assistant Chief Nursing Officer Department of Health Anne Rainsberry DHSC—South Pat Urry Pay Branch Department of Health Kathleen Weekes Chief Nursing & Healthcare Employment Consultant Department for Education and Employment Jackie Axleby Chief Executive Northern England Workforce Development Confederation
§ Mr. HealdTo ask the Secretary of State for Health which private nurses agencies are administering NHS Professionals for NHS trusts. [56609]
§ Mr. HuttonNHS Professionals is run by the national health service for the NHS.