HL Deb 12 June 2002 vol 636 c42WA
Lord Stallard

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress they are making with their review of London markets. [HL4669]

Lord Whitty

In its report on New Covent Garden Market published last year the House of Commons Select Committee on Agriculture recommended a review of the provision of wholesale markets in London.

In response to this recommendation and in conjunction with the Corporation of London, which owns three of the four major wholesale markets in central London, we have commissioned Mr Nicholas Saphir to undertake a review. Mr Saphir is an adviser to several large food and farming companies in the United States, South America and Europe and has wide experience of the operation of the food chain in England. We have asked him to produce an initial report by the end of September.

The terms of reference of the review are as follows:

To consider:

whether the existing London wholesale market facilities are well adapted to the needs of the business communities and users which they serve;

the effect on the operation of the markets of the legislation which governs them:

the potential impact of product diversification and changing demand for the services provided by wholesale markets; and

the scope for developing a co-ordinated strategy for the future management of the markets

and to make such recommendations to the Secretary of State and the Corporation of London as the reviewer considers appropriate, after having regard to the practicality and legal and financial implications of implementing them.

Mr Saphir may be contacted at the following address:

  • Review of London Markets
  • Room 106
  • Eastbury House
  • 30–34 Albert Embankment
  • London
  • SE1 7TL.