HC Deb 12 June 2002 vol 386 c1302W
Gillian Merron

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what progress has been made on the introduction of mandatory licensing schemes for houses in multiple occupancy, as stated in the Housing Green Paper 'Quality and Choice: a decent home for all'; and what such licences will specify. [60632]

Mr. McNulty

The Government are committed to introducing a national licensing scheme for houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) and we consulted on our proposals in 1999. We remain committed in legislating for this at the earliest possible opportunity.

Our proposals on HMOs are targeted at combating the significant threat to occupants' health and welfare that exist in this part of the private rented sector. The licensing scheme will aim to ensure that a building in multiple occupation meets acceptable physical standards, that those involved in its management are competent and otherwise fit for such a role and the management arrangements in the property are satisfactory. To that end licences will only be granted to persons who are deemed "fit and proper" and will require such persons to ensure the property meets minimum physical fitness and safety standards, is not overcrowded and is managed effectively for the protection of the occupiers' health, safety and welfare.