HC Deb 24 July 2002 vol 389 cc1476-7W
Peter Bottomley

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether the complaints concerning the conduct of Deputy Commissioner Ian Blair by the National Black Police Association and by members of the public have been referred to him in accordance with Regulation 7 (3A) Police (Conduct) (Senior Officers) Regulation 1999; and if the referral requirement is mandatory. [39360]

Mr. John Denham

No referral has been made. I am informed by the Metropolitan Police Authority that, following further representations from the National Black Police Association, the Metropolitan Police Authority are making further preliminary enquiries.

When a complaint is made about the conduct of the Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, referral to the Secretary of State is not mandatory if the authority is satisfied that the conduct complained of, even if proved, would not justify criminal or disciplinary proceedings. Where referral is not mandatory, the Metropolitan Police Authority may deal with the matter at its own discretion, subject to the Regulations.

The Regulations allow for the authority to conclude, after preliminary enquiries, that no proceedings under regulation 11 need to be taken, and once this conclusion is reached by the Authority, no investigating officer needs to be appointed and no referral under regulation 7(3A) need be made.