HC Deb 24 July 2002 vol 389 cc1320-1W
Sir John Stanley

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the actual and planned grant-in-aid to the(a) BBC World Service and (b) British Council for each of the years 1990–91 to 2005–06, expressed in constant prices. [72769]

Mr. MacShane

The table lists actual grant in aid outturns for the BBC World Service and the British Council from 1990–91 to 2001–02 and plans for 2002–03 to 2005–06. All figures are stated in real terms at current prices (2002–03). Plans are on a full resource budgeting basis, net of depreciation. From 1997–98 the BBC World Service grant in aid has included c. £4 million in respect of overseas relay station costs transferred from the FCO and from 1998–99 it has included c. £4 million to £5 million in respect of the World Service's subscription to BBC Monitoring.

£ million real terms (2002–03 prices)
BBC World Service British Council
1990–91 192 109
1991–92 186 119
1992–93 189 118
1993–94 196 121
1994–95 194 121
1995–96 196 123
1996–97 181 119
1997–98 177 108
1998–99 178 139
1999–2000 182 144
2000–01 191 145
2001–02 193 149
2002–03 201 157
2003–04 215 166
2004–05 214 167
2005–06 222 172

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