HC Deb 22 July 2002 vol 389 cc833-4W
Mr. Cox

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what policies there are to assist people who have been trafficked into the UK; what financial support is given by the Government to promote such policies; and if he will make a statement. [70287]

Beverley Hughes

As set out in chapter 5 of the White Paper "Secure Borders, Safe Haven: Integration with Diversity in Modern Britain", in co-operation with the voluntary sector the Government are looking at how to offer the victims of trafficking particular support so that they can escape their circumstances and, in certain cases, help law enforcement against organised criminals. Where victims are willing to come forward to the authorities, we are considering special arrangements for their protection. We will also consider whether it would be appropriate to allow them to remain here.

Where they are to return home, we are looking at how to assist them to do so, providing them with initial counselling, ensuring that they have suitable accommodation to return to, and providing help to enable them to reintegrate into their own community and find employment.

We are developing a best practice toolkit on trafficking, which will be a guide for immigration officers, police and others potentially dealing with trafficking. In particular, it will raise awareness of the difference between trafficking and smuggling, and help those concerned to treat trafficking victims fairly.

The Government are also working with the voluntary sector to identify the cost implications on the provision of support to the victims of trafficking. The Department for International Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office are running a number of prevention projects aimed primarily at raising awareness and educating potential victims (mostly women and children) of the dangers of being trafficked. We have given £3 million for the International Labour Organisation's International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) programme in the Greater Mekong region (parts of Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam). This involves a number of inter-linked interventions to raise awareness, prevent trafficking and to support community reintegration for victims of trafficking.

Mr. Cox

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many cases of trafficking of people for the purpose of sexual activities have been investigated by police authorities in the United Kingdom in each of the last five years. [70286]

Hilary Benn

As there is at present no specific offence of trafficking, the police and other law enforcement agencies are not able to say how many such cases have been investigated in the last five years.

Reflex, the multi-agency response to organised immigration crime, is currently supporting a number of investigations into trafficking. Reflex is also engaged in Bosnia supporting anti-trafficking operations there and, with the Romanians, developing a team to target traffickers.

We have included a new offence of trafficking for prostitution in the current Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill, as a stop-gap measure pending introduction of offences covering trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation when parliamentary time permits.