HC Deb 19 July 2002 vol 389 c587W
John Barrett

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what assessment she has made of the barriers preventing the transportation of the surplus in cereal production in northern Mozambique to areas of the country facing food shortages; what steps her Department is taking to overcome these barriers; and if she will make a statement. [70872]

Clare Short

Along with relevant Government Departments, other donors and NGO's, DFID supported a recent FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission in Mozambique. The mission confirmed the forecast export surplus of about 100,000 tonnes of maize, available following increased cereal production in the northern region.

Logistics and traditional trading patterns will result in most of Mozambique's surplus being exported to Malawi and other neighbouring countries — the worst affected countries in the region.

Compared with imported South African grain, high internal transport costs make it uncompetitive to move the maize surplus from the north to deficit areas in the south and parts of the central region. The shortfall in these areas is expected to be covered mainly by food aid and commercial imports. This strategy takes into account the regional context as well as consideration of the options for alleviation within Mozambique.

DFID is commissioning a short consultancy to advise on the most effective contribution we can make to alleviation and future prevention of the Mozambique food security crisis.

John Barrett

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what discussions she has had with her counterparts in European Union countries on the World Health Organisation appeal for additional resources to help combat starvation in southern Africa. [70494]

Clare Short

We expect the health elements of the crisis to be covered in the country appeals due to be presented this week, and will then consult with other donors on our response.

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