HL Deb 16 July 2002 vol 637 c150WA
Lord Desai

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether any increases in the public funding for Opposition parties in the House of Lords are planned. [HL.5341]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

I am happy to be able to announce that under the 2002 Spending Review the following increases in the public funding of Opposition parties in the House of Lords were agreed:

Current allocation (£) New allocation (£) Increase (£)
Conservatives 227,597 390,555 162,903
Liberal Democrats 68,278 195,000 126,722
Cross-Bench Peers 20,992 35,000* 14,008*
*backdated to 1 April 2001.

This is a full and final settlement, and the Government do not expect to be asked for further increases (other than the automatic annual RPI increase).