HC Deb 10 July 2002 vol 388 cc979-81W
Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Advisory Committee on Measures to be Taken in the Event of a Crisis in the Market in the Carriage of Goods by Road and Laying Down the Conditions under which Non-resident Carriers may Operate National Road Haulage Services within a Member State is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68583]

Mr. Jamieson

No date has been set for a meeting of the committee nor do we expect it to meet in the foreseeable future. The remit of the committee is to advise the Commission on measures proposed to deal with a serious disturbance of the national transport market due to either international haulage or cabotage. As no member state has ever reported such a disturbance to the Commission, the committee has not been convened.

In the event of it being convened, officials from my Department would represent the UK on the committee as policy responsibility on the functioning of the single market in road haulage is a reserved matter. However, my officials would consult the Scottish Executive on agenda items in which it might have an interest in accordance with our Concordat with the devolved Administrations.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Advisory Committee for the Harmonisation and Comparability of the Accounting and Annual Accounts of Railway Undertakings is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive (a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68586]

Mr. Jamieson

I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave the hon. Member for Buckingham (Mr. Bercow) on 16 May 2002,Official Report, column 791W.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Advisory Committee on Access for Community Air Carriers to Intra-Community Air Routes is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68593]

Mr. Jamieson

The Advisory Committee on Access for Community Air Carriers to Intra-Community Air Routes, established under the provisions of Article 11 of regulation (EEC) 2408–92, meets only on an ad-hoc basis and no future meeting is currently scheduled. Since regulation of aviation and air transport is a reserved matter, officials from my Department represent the UK on the committee. However, my officials would consult the Scottish Executive on agenda items in which it might have an interest in accordance with our Concordat with the devolved Administrations.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Advisory Committee for the Application of Legislation on the Conditions under which Non-resident Carriers may Operate National Road Passenger Transport Services within a Member State is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68582]

Mr. Jamieson

No date has been set for a meeting of the committee nor do we expect it to meet in the foreseeable future. The remit of the committee is to advise the Commission on measures intended to resolve a serious disturbance of the internal passenger transport market due to cabotage. As no member state has ever reported such a disturbance to the Commission. the committee has not been convened.

In the event of it being convened, officials from my Department would represent the UK on the committee as policy responsibility for road passenger transport cabotage is a reserved matter. However, my officials would consult the Scottish Executive on agenda items in which it might have an interest in accordance with our Concordat with the devolved Administrations.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Committee for a transparent system of harmonised rules for restrictions on heavy goods vehicles involved in international transport on designated roads is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68589]

Mr. Jamieson

No such Committee exists. In May 1998 the European Commission published a proposal for a Council Directive on a transparent system of rules for driving restrictions on heavy goods vehicles involved in international transport on designated roads. The proposal made provision for an advisory Committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the Commission. The proposed Directive was never adopted.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Advisory Committee for the application of uniform principles on costing for railway undertakings is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68579]

Mr. Jamieson

The Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2183–78 of 19 September 1978 which established this Committee is no longer in force. The Committee has not met in recent years.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Committee on implementation of Protocol 9 to the Act of Accession of Austria concerning transport by road and rail and combined transport (Ecopoints) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it: and if he will make a statement. [68591]

Mr. Jamieson

The Committee is next due to meet on 18 July. Officials from my Department represent the UK on the Committee as policy responsibility for the implementation of Protocol 9 to the Austrian Act of Accession is a reserved matter. However, my officials consult the Scottish Executive on agenda items in which it might have an interest in accordance with our Concordat with the Devolved Administrations.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Community-Switzerland Transport Committee (rail and road) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68576]

Mr. Jamieson

The inaugural meeting of the EU-Switzerland Transport Committee was held on 5 July. No date has yet been fixed for the next meeting of this Committee. Officials from my Department represent the UK on the Committee as policy responsibility for the EU_Switzerland Agreement is a reserved matter. However, my officials consult the Scottish Executive on agenda items in which it might have an interest in accordance with our Concordat with the Devolved Administrations.

Angus Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the EU Advisory Committee for the application of legislation on the development of the Community railways is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive(a) have been and (b) are members of it; and if he will make a statement. [68578]

Mr. Jamieson

No date has yet been fixed for the next meeting of the Developing European Railways Committee but we expect it to be held in December. Officials from my Department represent the UK on the Committee as policy responsibility for the development of railways is a reserved matter. However, my officials consult the Scottish Executive on agenda items in which it might have an interest in accordance with our Concordat with the devolved Administrations.