HC Deb 04 July 2002 vol 388 cc538-9W
Mr. Wiggin

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will make a statement on her Department's policy in respect of the section 8 orders being carried out in Zimbabwe. [65679]

Clare Short

We believe there is a strong case for land reform in Zimbabwe. However we strongly deplore the way in which the Zimbabwe Governments fast track process is being implemented.

Section 8 orders are a part of a deeply flawed process that is not supported by the British Government or the international community.

Mr. Wiggin

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what plans she has to discuss with EU colleagues proposals to stabilise Zimbabwe's farming industry. [65682]

Clare Short

We have been active in promoting an international coalition, including the EU, to bring to bear whatever pressure is possible on the ruling party to change its ruinous economic policy. In the meantime, we are exploring proposals with non-governmental organisations to help small scale farmers revive maize production in the next growing season.

Mr. Wiggin

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will make a statement on assistance(a) offered and (b) proposed for assisting farmers in Zimbabwe. [65684]

Clare Short

Neither the UNDP nor the Abuja processes have resulted in a plan for sustainable land reform. In the absence of a credible Government programme, we are considering with non-governmental organisations how we can help poor farmers in the communal areas to increase food production, which has been so badly affected this year by drought, the failing economy and ill-conceived fast track land reform.

Mr. Wiggin

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what funding her Department has allocated in 2002–03 for projects in Zimbabwe; and if she will list them. [65683]

Clare Short

The original allocation made for Zimbabwe in 2002–03 was £12 million. The following projects are being funded from this figure (most have been or will be funded over several years):

£ million
UN Humanitarian Assistance and Recovery Programme 6
Support for UN Relief and Recovery Unit 0.086
NGO Supplementary Feeding Programme 4
NGO Emergency Preparedness and Response 0.8
Sexual and Reproductive Health Phase2 20
Social Marketing Phase 2 6.8
Education Section HIV/AIDS Impact Assessment 0.13
Bikita integrated rural water supply and sanitation 12.72
Small Dams Rehabilitation 1.96
Credit for the Information Sector 1.84
Agribusiness Entrepreneur Network development 0.492
Wills and Inheritance rights programme 0.86
Empowerment of Farm Worker Communities 1.6

We have recently increased spending in the southern Africa region to assist with the current food crisis, and Zimbabwe will benefit from additional support through the UN World Food Programme, and through nongovernmental organisation feeding and agricultural recovery programmes.

Mr. Wiggin

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what estimate she has made of the number of families in Zimbabwe who have been moved from their homes as a result of section 8 orders. [65678]

Clare Short

It is difficult to obtain accurate information. According to the Commercial Farmers' Union about 2,900 farm owners have received section 8 orders and most of these will be legally required to leave their homes in the first half of August. However many may choose not to do so at this point while further legal avenues are being explored. Farm workers are also at risk of losing their only income and their home with the change of farm ownership. There are around 300,000 farm workers affected by the land reform programme which with their families affects perhaps two million people. While we do not know exactly how many of them have already been forced off farms, we are working with the farm workers' organisations and the UN World Food Programme to monitor their situation and meet their immediate humanitarian needs.

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