HC Deb 04 July 2002 vol 388 cc555-6W
Mrs. Mahon

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the medicines and medical equipment that are on the dual use list of banned imports to Iraq. [65558]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

There is no list of banned imports to Iraq. The Goods Review List, introduced by UN resolution 1409, contains dual-use items whose export to Iraq is subject to UN Security Council approval. It is not a denial list. Before approving Goods Review Listed items for export, the UN Sanctions Committee, drawing on expert advice from the UN Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the IAEA, will decide whether the military risk of allowing the Iraqi regime to have the listed items outweighs their humanitarian benefits. The Goods Review List is a publicly accessible document, the contents of which are available on the UN website at www.un.org/Departments/oip/index.html.

Mrs. Mahon

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the United Nations organisations in Iraq are present on the same basis as they routinely operate in countries where there is a non-military UN presence. [65557]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

United Nations organisations are present in Iraq in support of the UN's Oil for Food humanitarian programme. FAO, UNICEF, UNDP and WHO also operate country programmes, as they do elsewhere.

Mrs. Mahon

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the purpose for which each United Nations-related organisation is present in Iraq. [65556]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

United Nations-related organisations are present in Iraq for the following purposes:

Title First name Surname Role NDPB
Ms Gill Richardson Member Advisory Panel on Standards in the Planning Inspectorate
Ms Hazel Duffy Member Advisory Panel on Standards in the Planning Inspectorate
Mr. Timothy Corner Member Advisory Panel on Standards in the Planning Inspectorate
Mr. Michael Watson Member Advisory Panel on Standards in the Planning Inspectorate
Ms Judith Curson Member Audit Commission
Mr. John Bowen Member Audit Commission

Support to the UN Oil for Food programme:

  • WFP (food sector)
  • WHO (health, nutrition, water and sanitation sectors) FAO (agriculture sector)
  • UNDP (electricity sector)
  • UNICEF (education, nutrition, health sectors)
  • UNESCO (education sector)
  • UNOPS (demining, water and sanitation sectors)
  • Habitat (housing, resettlement sectors)
  • ITU (telecommunications sector)
  • UNGCI (security for UN personnel in northern Iraq).

Country programmes:

FAO, UNICEF, UNDP and WHO also operate country programmes, the funding and activities of which are separate from the work these agencies do under the Oil for Food programme.


Monitoring the demilitarized zone along the Iraq-Kuwait border.

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