HC Deb 03 July 2002 vol 388 cc382-4W
Mr. Stunell

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the estimated(a) level and (b) cost of energy use in her Department and associated agencies was in each year since 1997; what proportion of energy was generated from renewable sources; and if she will make a statement. [65949]

Alun Michael

For details of the breakdown of costs of energy purchases for each English Government Department for the years 1997–98 to 1999–2000, I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Buckingham (Mr. Bercow) on 19 March 2002,Official Report, column 268W. However, for convenience the data, without the footnotes, and supplemented by the respective level of energy consumption, are reproduced herein.

The Government are keen to encourage the use of renewable energy on its estate and a significant step forward was made with the agreement, in May 2001, of the following renewable energy target across Government: All Departments will ensure that, by 31 March 2003, at least 5 per cent. of their electricity comes from renewable sources that are exempt from the climate change levy, or from self-generation, provided this does not entail excessive cost. This will rise to at least 10 per cent. supply from such sources by 31 March 2008, but will be reviewed after 31 March 2003 to take account of market conditions following the introduction of renewables obligation. The review of 2003 will include consideration of increasing or bringing forward the target.

Energy consumption and expenditure by Government Departments 1997–98 to 1999–2000
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000
Energy use(GWh) Expenditure(£) Energy use(GWh) Expenditure(£) Energy use(GWh) Expenditure(£)
MAFF 39.1 1,196,306 42.1 1,270,719 39.7 1,155,485
MAFF Labs 86.8 2,010,656 84.9 1,877,991 93.5 1,880,441
Cabinet Office 21.7 693,234 20.2 717,622 21.0 767,895
DCMS 3.1 121,916 2.4 106,634 2.0 122,991
HM Customs and Excise 84.3 2,414,356 84.8 2,370,071 89.4 2,431,032
DfEE 31.3 1,347,403 29.1 1,056,810 29.5 1,111,660
Employment Service 171 4,848,133 177 4,946,793 190 4,960,622
DETR 116 4,099,099 113 3,993,520 109 3,473,024
H&SE 19.2 668,883 18.7 582,679 18.6 570,336
QE2 Conf. Centre 10.4 347,200 12.8 324,614 11.8 305,739
FCO 37.7 990,362 34.8 921,380 31.7 1,033,203
DoH 18.3 738,355 21.6 786,383 21.8 758,908
Home Office 65.4 1,792,543 69.0 1,911,139 80.5 2,378,335
HM Prison Service 1,410 23,868,557 1,120 20,016,907 1,260 22,310,050
Inland Revenue 245 8,192,613 275 8,138,451 269 8,772,679
DflD 6.2 225,513 6.5 209,602 6.9 183,574
Lord Chancellors Department 182 5,258,187 187 5,282,774 167 5,021,175
DSS 519 13,805,000 468 11,474,213 472 11,327,417
DTI 51.6 2,312,915 51.5 1,847,819 55.7 2,117,249
HM Treasury 17,0 336,547 16.3 316,314 20.3 337,396


In a few cases figures were revised from one report to another. The figures here are the latest published. The energy consumption figures are as purchased; therefore they are unadjusted for weather and floor area changes. The energy use figures in the table consist of a mix of electricity and heating fuels which have very different unit prices. Total expenditure will, therefore, depend on the total mix of fuels as well as individual prices.

Purchases of electricity from renewable sources 1998–99 and 1999–2000
Department 1998–99 Renewable sources that are exempt from the Climate Change Levy (percentage of electricity) Other "green" electricity sources (percentage) Total(percentage)
CO 25 per cent. of No. 10 and 70 Whitehall electricity 3.5 0 3.5
C&E 5 per cent. of total monitored electricity 26 0 26
DETR 0 per cent. 10 0 20
DFEE 10 per cent. of electricity 10 110 20
DH 0 per cent. 0 NHS PASA: 142 NHS PASA: 42
DSS 31 sites have all electricity supplied from renewable sources, totalling 15.2 per cent. of all DSS electricity consumption 15.2 10.38 15.58
DTI 26 per cent. HQ consumption from renewable sources 13.3 12 15.3
HO 0 per cent. 3 0 3
MAFF 0 per cent. 3 0 3
MOD 0 per cent. less than 1 1less than 1 less than 1
1 Percentage of electricity is from other "green" sources.

Progress by individual Departments is partly dependent upon the expiry date for their current energy contracts. However, all central Government Departments in England report that they are in the process of considering how they will go about purchasing renewable energy or are considering self-generation options.

Details of renewable energy purchases can be found in the Green Ministers Reports, copies of which are in the Library of the House, or through http://www.defra.gov.uk/ environment/greening/minister/grmin.htm. However, for convenience the relevant data are reproduced in the tables.

Energy costs and details of renewable energy purchases for 2000–01 and 2001–02 will be published in the next Green Ministers Report in autumn 2002.