HC Deb 30 January 2002 vol 379 cc399-400W
Norman Baker

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what criteria he applies in deciding whether the creation of a new NDPB is justified. [30461]

Mr. Leslie

In "Quangos: Opening the Doors", published in June 1998, the Government stated that they would ensure that a new non-departmental public body is only set up where it can be demonstrated that this is the most cost-effective and appropriate means of carrying out the given function. This remains Government policy and the analysis in each case will depend upon the specific circumstances.

Norman Baker

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what proportion of(a) large and (b) small NDPBs are covered by the Efficiency report published by the Cabinet Office. [30464]

Mr. Leslie

The executive NDPBs 1999 report, which was last published in March 2000, covers only the larger executive NDPBs. The threshold for inclusion was expenditure of £15 million and above in financial year 199–9.

Norman Baker

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister (1) how many and what percentage of(a) large and (b) small NDPBs produce an annual report; and of those what percentage in each case is a public document; [30463]

(2) how many (a) large and (b) small NDPBs release summary reports of meetings with (i) the general public, (ii) local authorities and (iii) Government Departments; [30465]

(3) how many (a) large and (b) small NDPBs consult their users by means of (i) questionnaires, (ii) public meetings and (iii) other forms; [30466]

(4) how many and what percentage of advisory NDPBs have formed their own codes for board members; and how many, and what percentage, operate registers of interest; [30468]

(5) how many and what percentage of (a) large and (b) small NDPBs publish information on their role and work programme on the worldwide web. [30470]

Mr. Leslie

The Government set out their policy on making the operation of non-departmental public bodies more open in "Quangos: Opening the Doors", published on 29 June 1998, copies of which have been placed in the Libraries of the House.

Detailed information in the form requested is not held centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

I anticipate that the next edition, "Public Bodies 2001", will be published shortly.

Norman Baker

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what proportion of(a) large executive, (b) small executive and (c) advisory NDPBs are under the jurisdiction of the parliamentary ombudsman. [30467]

Mr. Leslie

All executive NDPBs are brought within the jurisdiction of the parliamentary ombudsman, unless there are exceptional reasons for not doing so, or they are already within the jurisdiction of another ombudsman. Those advisory NDPBs that exceptionally have direct dealings with members of the public are also brought within the ombudsman's jurisdiction.

Norman Baker

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister whether NDPBs are obliged to submit a description of functions to the annual publication of "Public Bodies". [30469]

Mr. Leslie

In "Quangos: Opening the Doors", published in June 1998, the Government stated that future editions of "Public Bodies" would include a description of the functions of each body listed. In line with this, a description of each individual body's terms of reference was included in "Public Bodies 1998" and has been similarly included in subsequent editions.