HC Deb 16 January 2002 vol 378 cc396-7W
Mrs. Dean

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what investment has been made to improve access to NHS dentists in Staffordshire since 1997. [24072]

Yvette Cooper

The table shows the expenditure on initiatives to improve access to national health service dentistry in the areas covered by North Staffordshire health authority and South Staffordshire health authority. Over £3 million has been invested in NHS dentistry since 1997–98 in both health authority areas, which includes the establishment of dental access centres.

Expenditure on initiatives to improve access to NHS dentistry 1997–98 to 2001–02
North Staffordshire South Staffordshire Total
Investing in Dentistry granted 1997–98 to 2000–01 328,800 107,700 436,500
Dental Care Development Fund 2000–01 80,000 50,000 130,000
Modernisation Fund 2001–02 336,200 364,100 700,300
Personal Dental Services 2000–01 to 2001–02
Capital 1,028,000 630,000 1,658,000
Preparation 55,000 28,000 83,000
Total for PDS 1,083,000 658,000 1.741.000
Overall Total 1,828,000 1,179,800 3,007,800


Department of Health Statistics

Mr. Denis Murphy

To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether referrals of NHS patients to the Dental Examination Board are based on the potential cost of the treatment. [22661]

Ms Blears

Currently, prior approvals are required from the Dental Practice Board, which was previously called the Dental Estimates Board, for proposed treatments costing in excess of £260. These arrangements are currently under review.

Mr. Denis Murphy

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many NHS patients were referred to the Dental Examination Board(a) in the UK and (b) in each nation and region in the last 12 months for which figures are available; [22506]

(2) how many NHS patients referred to the Dental Examination Board were consequently assessed by the regional dental officer (a) in the UK and (b) in each nation and region in the last 12 months for which figures are available. [22505]

Ms Blears

In England and Wales 638,000 new referrals were made to the Dental Practice Board together with 77,000 re-submissions in the year ending March 2001. Separate figures for England are not available. Of these 33,948 were examined by dental reference officers, previously known as regional dental officers.

The distribution between nations was:

  • (a) England 32,212 (95 per cent.)
  • (b) Wales 1,736 (5 per cent.).

Information for Scotland is a matter for the devolved Administration.

Mr. Denis Murphy

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the average cost incurred by the NHS while the Dental Examination Board was considering a case which had been referred to them(a) in the UK and (b) in each nation and region of the UK in the last 12 months for which figures are available. [22503]

Ms Blears

There are no costs involved for the dentist while prior approval is being considered by the Dental Practice Board, formally known as the Dental Estimates Board. Should the patient's condition be such that urgent attention is required then the dentist can provide that treatment, before receiving prior approval.

Information on costs of prior approvals work at the Dental Practice Board is not available as the work of dealing with prior approval applications is not accounted for separately from the other work of the Dental Practice Board.

The Dental Practice Board acts for England and Wales; therefore the information for Wales is also not available.

Information for Scotland is a matter for the devolved Administration.

Mr. Denis Murphy

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the average length of time NHS patients waited before their treatment resumed following their case being referred to the Dental Examination Board(a) in the UK and (b) in each nation and region over the last 12 months for which figures are available. [22504]

Ms Blears

93 per cent. of cases referred to the Dental Practice Board, previously known as the Dental Estimates Board, are approved for treatment without examination. The average length of time taken for such approvals is 3.7 days. For those patients examined by the Dental Reference Service, for the Dental Practice Board, before approval is given, the average time taken is 82 days.

Information for Wales and Scotland are matters for the devolved Administrations.