HC Deb 10 January 2002 vol 377 cc999-1001W
Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary for Health what proportion of national health service personnel was represented by(a)nurses, (b)doctors,

All NHS staff, including all doctors and nurses, as at 30 September each year
1997 1998 1999 2000
Total NHS Staff1 1,058,690 1,071,560 1,098,350 1,118,960
Percentage 100 100 100 100
of which
Total NHS doctors 89,620 91,840 93,980 96,320
Percentage 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.6
GMPs (excluding GP Retainers)2,3 29,390 29,700 29,990 30,250
Percentage 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7
All HCHS medical and dental staff4 60,230 62,140 63,990 66,070
Percentage 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.9
of which
Total NHS Nurses5 550,900 556,480 565,620 574,850
Percentage 52.0 51.9 51.5 51.4
of which
Qualified Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Staff (including Practice Nurses) 318,860 323,460 329,640 335,950
Percentage of which 30.1 30.2 30.0 30.0
of which
Midwives 22,380 22,840 22,800 22,570
Percentage 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0
Unqualified Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting staff6 231,380 232,420 234,700 238,960
Percentage 21.9 21.7 21.4 21.3
Qualified Allied Health Professionals 45,020 46,450 47,920 49,360
Percentage 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4
Others7 373,140 376,790 390,820 398,430
Percentage 35.2 35.2 35.6 35.6
1 This figure includes GP Retainers.
2 GP Retainers were collected for the first time in the 1999 census, for comparability these have been excluded from GMPs.
3 The 1999 figure excludes 972 GP Retainers and the 2000 figure excludes 1,117 GP Retainers.
4 Excludes Medical Hospital Practitioners and medical Clinical Assistants, most of whom are also GPs working part-time in hospitals.
5Total includes unclassified staff.
6 Unqualified nursing staff includes Health Care Assistants and Support staff.
7 Others includes administration and estates staff, ambulance staff, Health Care Assistants, Support staff, nursing, midwifery and health visiting learners, other scientific, therapeutic and technical staff, others, other practice staff and GP Retainers from 1999.


Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.

Due to rounding totals may not equal sum of component parts.

Figures exclude agency staff.


Department of Health medical and dental workforce census

Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics

Department of Health Non-medical workforce census

(c) midwives, (d) other professions allied to medicine and (e) other employees, in the financial years (i) 1997–98,(ii) 1998–99, (iii) 1999–2000 and(iv)2000–01 [23662]

Mr. Hutton

Data showing the number and proportion of nures, doctors, midwives, qualified allied health 2000, are shown in the table.

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