§ Mr. Austin MitchellTo ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what meetings(a) she and (b) her senior departmental officials have had with Enron and its subsidiaries in the last two years. [32434]
§ Tom BrakeTo ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on what occasions she and her Department have held meetings since May 1997 with representatives from(a) BP, (b) Shell, (c) Exxon-Mobil, (d) Enron, (e) Conoco, (f) Texaco and (g) TotalFinaElf; if she will state the purpose of each meeting; and if she will provide details of the outcomes and agreements reached as a result of each meeting. [33219]
§ Margaret BeckettMinisters and civil servants meet many people as part of the process of policy development and analysis. All such contacts are conducted in accordance with the Ministerial Code, the Civil Service Code and Guidance for Civil Servants: Contacts with Lobbyists. Some of these discussions take place on a confidential basis, and in order to preserve confidentiality, it is not the normal practice of Governments to release details of specific meetings with private individuals or companies.