§ Dr. CableTo ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many employees in her Department who regularly use computers have taken up the provision of a free eye test; and how this service is advertised to(a) current and (b) new staff. [36685]
§ Ms Rosie WintertonThe Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, effective January 1993, require employers to provide and pay for, upon request from an employee, an eye and eyesight test. There is a requirement for further tests at regular intervals; the optometrist doing the first test can recommend when the next one should be. In addition, employers must pay the cost of special spectacles required where normal ones cannot be used.
The eye-care scheme is publicised in the employee handbook and is mentioned to all new staff on the induction for new entrants event. In addition the scheme is regularly advertised in departmental publications which are circulated to all staff and on the departmental IT system.
In 2001 a total of 2,267 eye-test vouchers were applied for and issued. This figure represents 17.8 per cent. of the staff employed by the Department.