§ Mr. Andrew TurnerTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what proportion of the population is fluent in the English language. [34673]
§ Mr. Healey[holding answer 8 February 2002]: I have been asked to reply.
We have no reliable data regarding the proportion of the population who are fluent in the English language. Research undertaken by the Institute of Education and MORI in 1995 for the Basic Skills Agency suggested that around 450,000 people living in the UK, whose first language is not English, have little command of the English language. However, more recent research indicates that the figure could easily be twice this amount. Later this year, we will be conducting a survey of literacy, language and numeracy needs in England as part of our "Skills for Life" strategy to improve adult basic skills. This will provide a more accurate and current assessment of the extent of English language need.
898WExpenditure on consultancy funded from DFID running costs has been around £2 million in each year.