HC Deb 14 February 2002 vol 380 cc544-5W
Jean Corston

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will set out, with statistical information relating as directly as possible to the Bristol, East constituency, the effects on Bristol of his Department's policies and actions(a) from 5 May 1994 to 2 May 1997, (b) from 2 May 1997 to 7 May 1998, and (c) since 7 May 1998. [35600]

Dr. Whitehead

The principal kinds of funding that this Department has provided to Bristol city council for the period 1994–2002 are shown in the table. These include grants and borrowing approvals for revenue and capital expenditure.

It is not possible to determine how much of this money has been spent on Bristol, East. It is for the local authority to decide where within its boundary these resources are applied.

and business in an intensive local focus to tackle problems around, drugs, poor educational attainment, and unemployment.


Specific schemes funded in Bristol, East since May 1997 include:

  • Improved bus priorities on Bath road, Brislington and Wells road, Knowle and Totterdown and Clarence road, Lawrence hill.
  • 545W
  • Bristol Dial-a-Ride Service extended to cover the whole of East Bristol.
  • Preparatory work towards the Light Rapid Transit, which runs through Lawrence hill.
  • Sandy Park road (Brislington) environmental improvement scheme
  • Emlyn road and Robertson road (Eastville) traffic calming
  • The increased funding allocation for this year will see the programme include:
    • Brislington Home Zone, covering Broomhill road, Wick road, Allison road and First avenue.
    • Ridgeway road/Lodge Causeway Road Safety Scheme.
    • Whitehall Primary Safer Routes to Schools scheme.

Objective 2

The South West of England Objective 2 programme was launched on 13 March 2001 with total European funding of £118 million. Five wards in Bristol will benefit—Ashley, Easton, Lawrence Hill, Windmill Hill and Filwood. Projects approved so far include:

  • Bristol Neighbourhood Action Plan (Bristol City) Council/Bristol Regeneration Partnership)—£6.7 million European funding
  • Bristol Means Business (Business Link West)—£1.9 million European funding
  • Ashley Vale Action Group Office Block Development—£117 thousand European funding.


Bristol, East wards have benefited from the E-C URBAN programme, a community initiative worth over £7.6 million in total over 1997–2001. Projects that have operated in Bristol East, include:

  • Bristol East Side Traders awarded £491,200 towards a £1 million project to reverse decline in the inner area of Bristol.
  • Easton Business Centre awarded £300,000 towards a £741,000 project to provide 19 enterprise workshops on derelict land.

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund

Bristol has been awarded £8 million over three years from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. The fund is an additional, non-ring fenced resource to help local authorities in the most deprived areas focus their main programme spending to deliver better outcomes for their deprived communities. Knowle West, St. Pauls and Southmead have been identified in the city for targeting the fund.

Community Chest

This is a small grants scheme for small organisations in NRF authorities. Bristol has been allocated £100,000 in year one.

Community Empowerment Fund

Available to NRF authorities as way of capacity building in communities to enable them to play a full and meaningful role in Local Strategic Partnerships.

Workplace and School Travel Plan Co-ordinators

Bristol was successful in bidding for additional funding for Workplace and School Travel Plan Co-ordinators. The £30,000 was awarded to the Council, however the amount claimed will be slightly less due to recruitment taking place in June and August respectively.

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