- Dentists 68 words cc1230-1W
- Taunton and Somerset NHS Hospital Trust 74 words c1231W
- NHS Direct 38 words c1231W
- Orthodontist Services 59 words c1231W
- Health Care (Isle of Wight) 207 words cc1231-2W
- Nursing and Residential Home Beds 274 words c1232W
- Strategic Health Authorities 88 words cc1232-3W
- Community Health Councils 202 words c1233W
- Paramedics 185 words c1233W
- Patient Confidentiality 112 words cc1233-4W
- Primary Care Budgets 142 words c1234W
- Surgical Instruments 168 words cc1234-5W
- Road Traffic Accidents 248 words c1235W
- Out-patients 84 words c1235W
- Beta Interferon 297 words cc1235-6W
- Social Care Recruitment Campaign 270 words c1236W
- Medicines Control 192 words cc1236-7W
- Expenditure (Somerset and Dorset) 414 words cc1237-8W
- Correspondence 326 words c1238W
- Hospital Waiting Times (Somerset and Dorset) 207 words cc1238-9W
- NHS Appointments 80 words c1239W
- Delayed Discharges 85 words c1239W
- Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital 86 words c1239W
- Departmental Savings 108 words c1239W
- Pharmacists 68 words cc1239-40W
- Staff to Beds Ratio 304 words