HL Deb 07 February 2002 vol 631 cc107-8WA
Lord Stoddart of Swindon

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether agreement has been reached, informally, politically or formally by members of the European Council of the European Union and Community, or their Permanent Representatives, to introduce measures to combat terrorism, additional to those now publicised and under consideration under the title of the European Arrest Warrant; where they have been published; and what they comprise. [HL2585]

The Minister of State, Home Office (Lord Rooker)

The extraordinary European Council on 21 September 2001 agreed a plan of action in response to the terrorist attacks of 11 September. The Presidency's report to the European Council on action following the attacks (document 14919/01) and a Council document updating the "road map" of the measures and initiatives implemented under this action plan (document 14925/01) are both published on the Council's website. Key European Union legislative measures brought forward under the plan, in addition to the European Arrest Warrant, include a Framework Decision on combating terrorism, which was agreed subject to parliamentary scrutiny reserves from three member states at the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 6–7 December, and a Common Position and Regulation on the freezing of terrorist assets, adopted by the Council on 28 December. The Justice and Home Affairs Council of 6–7 December also saw approval of a Council decision establishing Eurojust, which will facilitate judicial co-operation between member states in the prosecution of terrorist and other serious crimes.