HC Deb 06 February 2002 vol 379 cc1003-4W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will list the retirement ages that apply to the employees of his Department and its agencies, including how many and which categories of employees are affected by each; and if he will make a statement on his Department's policy on flexible retirement. [32825]

Dr. Whitehead

Following the Performance and Innovation Unit report on active ageing, "Winning the Generation Game", DTLR is currently considering its retirement policy. Information on the current retirement ages for my Department and for the executive agencies are as followsGrades listed at1 (5,600 to 5,650 members of staff)—normal retirement age of 65. Bands 3 up to 7 (and equivalents) and those not covered by the previous Grades (ie EO, HEO, SEO, G7, G6 and equivalents) (11,520 to 11,600 members of staff)—normal retirement age of 60. Senior Civil Servants (195 to 215 members of staff)—normal retirement age of 60.

There are the following exceptions: Subject to the terms and conditions when they joined DTLR, there is a "short -;service concession" for most non-senior civil servants in Bands 3 and above with less than 20 years accumulated service to continue to work until they reach 20 years or age 65, whichever is the earlier. This is not available to Air Accident Inspectors, or those who became Crown employees working in the former Department of Transport after 31 March 1997. The Department may also invite staff to stay beyond the normal retirement age but not beyond age 70.

Variations within the agencies

The following executive agencies have these variations: Driving Standards Agency: Senior Driving Examiners and Supervising Driving Examiners have a normal retirement age of 63 (circa 300 staff); at present, to stay until 65 they would have to revert to Driving Examiners (circa 600 staff). The Fire Service College: Industrial staff have a retirement age of 65 (30 staff). The Planning Inspectorate: Planning Inspectors re-employed on flexible short-term contracts up to a maximum age of 65 (30 staff). The QEII Conference Centre: Normal retirement age of 60 for all staff (49 staff). The Rent Service: Those staff transferred under TUPE protection from their local Government employer have remained within the Local Government Pension Scheme. They may retire at age 65, although the scheme does allow them to retire at 60 should they so wish. Vehicle Inspectorate: Industrial employees Band 1 (Tester/Handy Person) in post by 1 May 1994 and over 50 can remain until 65. In other cases the retirement age is 60, with the exception of a short service concession for Band I Testers and Band 2 A VEs provided they were in post prior to 31 March 1997 (169 staff).

Flexible retirement

Offers of compulsory or flexible early retirement. or approved early retirement, are made at management discretion and depend on the operational needs of the Department.


Crown employees who worked in the former Department of the Environment

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Administrative Officer
  • Assistant Scientific Officer
  • Chief Typing Manager
  • Communication Officer
  • Communication Officer II
  • Communication Officer III
  • Communication Officer IV
  • Personal Secretary
  • Process and General Supervisory Grades
  • Senior Personal Secretary
  • Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent Custody Guards
  • Support Manager I
  • Support Manager II
  • Support Manager III
  • Support Grade I
  • Support Grade II
  • Support Grade IIA
  • Technical Grade 1 and 2
  • Trainee Typist
  • Typing Manager
  • Typist

Crown employees who worked in the former Department of Transport

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Administrative Officer
  • Assistant Scientific Officer
  • Chief Typing Manager
  • Civil Engineer (SPTO and below)
  • Personal Secretary
  • Process and General Supervisory Grade D
  • Process and General Supervisory Grade E
  • Senior Personal Secretary
  • SGB2 (Cleaner—less than 10 hours weekly)
  • Stores Officer Grade D
  • Support Grade 1
  • Support Grade 2
  • Support Grade 2A
  • Support Manager 1
  • Support Manager 2
  • Support Manager 3
  • Teleprinter operator
  • Typing Manager
  • Typist and Trainee Typist