HC Deb 04 February 2002 vol 379 c738W
Mr. Cox

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will list the(a) bridges and (b) tunnels in the United Kingdom subject to tolls; and what is the rate payable at each toll. [32900]

Mr. Jamieson

The Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions only has policy responsibility for tolled bridges and tunnels in England. My hon. Friend should contact the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales for information about tolled undertakings within their jurisdiction.

Following is a list of statutory tolled bridges and tunnels. Toll rates at each of these crossings often vary based on the classification of vehicle using the particular crossing; therefore, for simplicity the list only shows the tolls charged for motorcars and large goods vehicles:

Undertaking Motorcar Large goods vehicle
Aldwark Bridge1 0.15 0.80
Clifton Suspension Bridge1 0.20 0.20
Dartford Crossings1 1.00 2.90
Dunham Bridge1 0.20 0.40
Humber Bridge1 2.40 9.60 to 16.10
Itchen Bridge1 0.60 1.00 to 25.00
Mersey Tunnels1 1.20 2.40 to 4.80
Rixton and Warburton Bridge1 0.12 0.12
Severn Bridges2 4.40 13.30
Shrewsbury (Kingsland) Bridge1 0.10 0.10
Swinford Bridge1 0.05 0.20
Tamar Bridge2 1.00 2.50 to 5.50
Tyne Tunnel1 1.00 1.20
Whitchurch Bridge1 0.08 0.50
Whitney on Wye Bridge1 0.50 1.00
1 Each way
1 One way

There are also a number of unregulated private bridges where a toll is charged for the right to cross private land. A complete list of these undertakings is not available.