HC Deb 17 December 2002 vol 396 cc774-5W
Mr. Prisk

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what plans he has to increase the take-up rate of means-tested provision for pensioners. [86283]

Mr. McCartney

We have introduced a range of initiatives designed to encourage pensioners to take up their entitlements. For the minimum income guarantee (MIG) we have undertaken a national advertising campaign, which resulted in almost 140,000 successful claims, with an average gain of £20 per week. We have also reduced the MIG claim form from 40 to 10 pages, introduced a MIG specific leaflet, and we are identifying potential beneficiaries through key events, such as claiming state pension.

A key priority, for both Government and The Pension Service is the successful take-up of the new pension credit, which will enhance and replace the MIG. It has been specifically designed to be easy for pensioners to claim and to be less intrusive. The weekly means test will be abolished for the over-65s and be replaced by a statement of their circumstances every 5 years. Capital rules will be relaxed and the upper capital limit abolished.

Our take-up plan for pension credit is extensive and makes use of a range of channels. We will transfer existing MIG recipients to pension credit, ready for payments to be made from October 2003; write to all pensioners not already receiving MIG by June 2004 to alert them to possible pension credit entitlement, supported by a national publicity campaign; work with local partners to help support the communications to pensioners, and tailor marketing and communications activity accordingly.

The Pension Service pension centres are backed up by local services delivered in partnership with local authorities and voluntary sector organisations provided in locations accessible to pensioners. There will be appointment surgeries and, in time, drop-in surgeries to meet pensioners in places where they visit.

Outreach activity will be an important part of local service work. Staff will be meeting people in partner and other locations accessible to customers offering general advice and guidance and taking part in benefit take-up initiatives.

We are planning to introduce a network of Internet access points, telephone points and hard copy information (displaying leaflets, posters, claim forms and other materials) points based in Government and partner locations: and a benefits information service for partners, care workers, volunteers etc. to raise awareness of The Pension Service, pensioner entitlements and how to apply for them.

We have also set up the Partnerships Against Poverty group, and are undertaking negotiations with partners at a national level to agree the scope for partnership working.

All of the above demonstrate the importance that my Department attaches to encouraging pensioners to take up their entitlements.

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