HC Deb 03 December 2002 vol 395 cc656-8W
Mr. Roger Williams

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many food samples tested for pesticide, veterinary and other residues in each of the last 10 years were assessed to contain(a) residue above the maximum residue level for the (i) UK and (ii) EU, (b) a residue not approved for use on UK crops and (c) a residue in organic samples. [84159]

Mr. Morley

[holding answer 2 December 2002]: The results of analysis for pesticide residues are presented in Table 1. All the samples were assessed for Maximum Residue Level1 (MRL) exceedances (where MRLs had been set) and UK non-approved uses for the UK samples only. Organic samples are not specifically targeted in the surveys. They are tested as part of the monitoring programme as they are available for consumers to buy. Table 1 therefore includes the number of samples tested for pesticide residues which were found to contain MRL exceedances (which may be either UK, EU or Codex Alimentarius Commission MRLs). It also includes the number of non-approved uses found in UK produce only, and the number of organic samples that were found to contain residues.

The detailed results of the Pesticide Residues Committee's (PRC's) monitoring (and its predecessor the Working Party on Pesticide Residues (WPPR) (including the commodities tested) have been published and can be viewed on the relevant websites: www.pesticides.gov.uk/committees/PRC/prc.htm (PRC results) www.pesticides.gov.uk/committees/WPPR/wppr.htm (WPPR results)

These electronic results go back as far as 1996. Hard copies going back to 1992 are available in the House Library.

Table 1: Samples tested for pesticide residues from 1993–2002 which were found to contain an MRL exceedance, non-approved UK use or organic samples containing residence
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 20011
Number of samples tested 3,177 3,371 3,742 3,230 3.449 2,648 2,187 2,374 2,304 4,003
Number of samples containing MRL exceedances 28 46 23 32 27 15 29 38 25 29
(0.88%) (1.36%) (0.61%) (0.99%) (0.78%) (0.57%) (1.33%) (1.60%) (1.09%) (0.72%)
Number of UK samples containing non-approved pesticides 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 5 8 9
Number of organic samples containing residues 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7
1 The PRC plan to test 4,000 samples during 2002, however, the full results are not available
2Data are not available

The results of analysis for veterinary medicine residues are presented in Table 2. The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) of DEFRA runs two surveillance schemes that look for residues of authorised veterinary medicines and banned substances in UK produced and imported foods. Samples of organic produce are included in the surveillance, but the results have not been kept separately. The Maximum Residue Limits1 (MRLs) for residues of veterinary medicines are set on an EU-wide basis. Substances not authorised for use will not have an MRL. For such compounds and also for approved substances without an MRL for a particular tissue, an 'Action Level' is applied; this is normally that any confirmed residue is reported.

All of the results, highlighting any exceedances of MRLs and Action Levels, are published quarterly in the VMD's newsletter. They have been published annually

Table 2: Number of samples tested under the VMD's statutory and non-statutory surveillance programmes that were above approved limits for each of the last 10 years
1992 1993 1994 1995 7996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Total samples (1000s) 48 49 47 50 42 44 40 41 39 40
Veterinary authorized1 207 60 80 101 129 78 73 59 80 75
Non-authorised2 15 0 69 57 66 34 50 15 32 34
Other3 57 108 101 69 101 376 16 44 18 46
1 This includes where MRLs were exceeded or a residue of an authorised substance has been found where no MRL was set (in this case an 'Action Level' is applied—this is normally that any confirmed residue is reported as an exceedance).
2 Non-authorised substances may not have an MRL. Some of the reported cases will be of hormones, where the action level may be exceeded by the natural fluctuations of the hormone within the animal.
3 Certain substances, such as PCBs, pesticides, dyes and heavy metals are included in the VMD surveillance programmes, as they are a requirement under Council Directive 96/23EC.


The definition of MRLs for pesticide residues and veterinary residues is not the same; they have different meanings.

For pesticide residues, MRLs are maximum residue levels. These are intended primarily as a check that pesticides are being used correctly and to assist international trade in treated produce. Maximum residue levels for pesticide residues are not safety limits, and exposure to pesticide residues in excess of a maximum residue level does not necessarily imply a risk to health.

For veterinary residues, MRLs are maximum residue limits. For veterinary medicines, they are statutory limits-if any tissue from an animal presented for slaughter is found to contain a residue above the maximum residue limit, an offence may have been committed. In Europe, the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP), part of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency, sets MRLs. Because of

in the VMD's annual report and accounts up to 1994, in a dedicated VMD report on surveillance for veterinary residues between 1995 and 2000, and in the veterinary residues committee's annual report on surveillance for veterinary residues in 2001. Copies of the annual reports are available in the House Library or the VMD's website www.vmd.gov.uk

A variety of factors which influence the pattern of results—such as compounds sought or analytical capability—have changed in both programmes over time. Data for different years may, therefore, not be directly comparable. The detailed published reports for the programmes covering these years should be consulted for further information.

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has responsibility for pesticide residues and veterinary medicines residues. Other food residues are a matter for the Food Standards Agency.

the way veterinary MRLs are set, exposure to a residue over the MRL is in itself not necessarily a cause for concern. The VMD take toxicological advice from the Food Standards Agency where residues over the relevant MRL or actions levels are detected.