HC Deb 03 December 2002 vol 395 cc703-4W
Mr. Drew

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister (1) if he will make a statement on the impact on rents in sheltered accommodation owned by local authorities of its introduction of Supporting People;. [84942]

(2) how the assumed inflation rate following the introduction of Supporting People will impact upon rent levels and service charges for local authority sheltered accommodation if its actual rate of inflation is greater. [84944]

Mr. McNulty

Local authority rents are set in accordance with the Government's policy on rent re-structuring. From April 2003 any costs in respect of support services will require to be separately identified and will not be eligible for Housing Benefit. Authorities are being awarded Supporting People grant on the basis of relevant expenditure at 31 March 2003, uplifted by funding stream specific inflation factors.

Mr. Drew

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister if he will make a statement on the split between housing revenue account and supporting people budget, with specific reference to local authority sheltered accommodation from April 2003 onwards. [84943]

Mr. McNulty

Under proposals contained in the consultation paper "A New Financial Framework for Local Authority Housing: Resource Accounting in the Housing Revenue Account", the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister sought views on the options of accounting for the new Supporting People grant in either the housing revenue account or in the general fund. We will publish the outcome of that consultation very soon.

Mr. Drew

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how transitional housing benefit will operate in the case of local authority sheltered accommodation with specific reference to those authorities that have previously used rate fund moneys. [84945]

Mr. McNulty

The Supporting People programme will transfer transitional housing benefit and a number of other housing related funding streams to a new grant. Rate fund moneys are not among these funding streams.