HC Deb 03 December 2002 vol 395 c755W
Dr. Fox

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of young people leaving care in each year since 1993 were aged 16. [84024]

Jacqui Smith

The proportion of young people aged 16 leaving care in each year since 1993 is shown in the table.

Number of young people who left care aged 16, since 1993— England
Year ending 31 March Total number of leavers Number of leavers aged 16 Percentage of leavers aged 16
1993 32,400 3,000 9
1994 33,100 3,000 9
1995 33,200 3,400 10
1996 32,400 3,500 11
1997 30,300 3,400 11
1998 29,000 3,300 11
1999 27,100 2,900 11
2000 26,800 2,900 11
2001 25,100 2,400 10


All numbers rounded to the nearest 100


DH Form SSDA903

Mr. Burstow

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will place in the Library copies of responses to the consultation on the complaints procedure for children in care, "Listening to People". [84806]

Jacqui Smith

We will place in the Library copies of responses to the consultation document "Listening to People", except those where respondents requested that replies remain confidential, in the next few weeks.

Dr. Fox

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many young people left care in each of the past five years; and of those, how many left without having attained any GCSEs at A*-G grades. [84022]

Jacqui Smith

These data are only available from year ending 31 March 2000 onwards. The available information is set out in the table.

Number of Children who ceased to be looked after during the years ending 31 March 2000 to 2002 by age and educational qualifications
England Numbers
2000 2001 2002
All care leavers in the year (0 to 18 years) 26,800 25,100 1
Care leavers aged 16 and over 6,760 6,560 6,340
of which: The number with no GCSE passes (A*-G) 4,780 4,200 3,850
1Indicates figure not available until March 2003
All figures rounded to the nearest 10.
Above tables excludes all children looked after under agreed series of short term placements.