HC Deb 30 April 2002 vol 384 cc722-5W
Mr. Sheerman

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when each of the resource accounts for 2000–01 were published; what the(a) greatest, (b) median and (c) least number of days that elapsed was between each of the resource accounts being (i) laid formally upon the Table and (ii) made generally available to the public; what the median number of days that elapsed was between each of the resource accounts for 1999–2000 being (A) laid formally upon the Table and (B) made generally available to the public; and if he will make a statement. [51467]

Mr. Andrew Smith

The dates on which Departments' resource accounts for 1999–2000 and 2000–01 were published and laid are shown in the following table.

Departments HC No. Cmd No.1 Laid Published Working days between laying and publishing
Department of Health 194 31 January 2001 22 March 2001 36
Department of National Savings 830 2 November 2000 3 November 2000 1
DFEE 182 31 January 2001 22 March 2001 36
DfID 116 31 January 2001 3 May 2001 66
DfID—Superannuation Pensions 187 31 January 2001 3 May 2001 66
DSS 183 31 January 2001 16 February 2001 12
DTI—Main 11 20 December 2000 1 February 2001 27
ECGD 51 20 December 2000 20 December 2000 0
FCO 195 31 January 2001 30 March 2001 42
Food Standards Agency4
Food Standards Agency Consolidated4
Forestry Commission 196 31 January 2001 27 April 2001 62
Forestry Commission Pension Scheme 201 31 January 2001 22 March 2001 36
GAD 153 31 January 2001 31 January 2001 0
HM Treasury 5062 30 March 2001 11 May 2001 30
Home Office 5055 30 March 2001 27 April 2001 20
Inland Revenue 129 24 January 2001 24 January 2001 0
Intervention Board Executive Agency 833 9 November 2000 9 November 2000 0
Lord Chancellor's Department 5056 30 March 2001 30 April 2001 21
MAFF 5057 30 March 2001 27 April 2001 20
National Investment and Loans Office 798 22 November 2000 22 November 2000 0
NHS Pension Scheme (England and Wales) 188 31 January 2001 11 May 2001 72
Northern Ireland Court Service 199 31 January 2001 30 March 2001 42
Northern Ireland Office 5058 30 March 2001 27 April 2001 21
Office for National Statistics 185 31 January 2001 2 April 2001 43
Ofgem 24 20 December 2000 20 December 2000 0
Ofsted 155 25 January 2001 15 February 2001 15
Oft 75 31 January 2001 31 January 2001 0
Oftel 151 31 January 2001 31 January 2001 0
Ofwat 176 31 January 2001 31 January 2001 0
ORR 184 31 January 2001 21 March 2001 35
Postal Services Commission4
Privy Council Office 197 31 January 2001 9 February 2001 7
Public Records Office 134 25 January 2001 25 January 2001 0
Scotland Office 186 31 January 2001 27 April 2001 62
Security and Intelligence Agencies 5059 4 April 2001 12 April 2001 6
Serious Fraud Office 198 31 January 2001 7 March 2001 25
Teachers Pension Scheme 189 31 January 2001 22 March 2001 36
Treasury Solicitors 5060 30 March 2001 30 April 2001 21
UK Atomic Energy Authority—DTI 10 20 December 2000 31 January 2001 27
Wales Office 96 24 January 2001 24 January 2001 0

Departments HC No. Cmd No.1 Laid Published Working days between laying and publishing
Armed Forces Pension Scheme—MOD 245 21 November 2001 21 November 2001 0
British Trade International 526 30 January 2002 13 February 2002 11
Cabinet Office 5443 28 February 2002
Cabinet Office: Civil Superannuation 554 31 January 2002 18 March 2002
Central Office for Information 566 31 January 2002 31 January 2002 0
Charity Commission 565 31 January 2002 27 February 2002 19
Crown Estate 544 30 January 2002 30 January 2002 0
Crown Prosecution Service 540 31 January 2002 31 January 2002 0
Customs and Excise 530 30 January 2002 26 March 2002 39
DCMS 469 9 January 2002 9 January 2002 0
Defence—MOD Consolidated 443 17 December 2001 18 December 2001 1
Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions 536 31 January 2002 4 February 2002 2
Department of Health 567 31 January 2002 15 April 2002 52
Department of National Savings 121 24 October 2001 24 October 2001 0
DFEE 551 31 January 2002 18 February 2002 12
DfID 512 30 January 2002 26 February 2002 19
DfID—Superannuation Pensions 514 30 January 2002 26 February 2002 19
DSS 491 31 January 2002 31 January 2002 0
DTI—Main 503 23 January 2002 23 January 2002 0
ECGD 441 10 January 2002 10 January 2002 0
FCO 553 31 January 2002 7 March 2002 24
Food Standards Agency4 513 31 January 2002 7 February 2002 6
Food Standards Agency Consolidated4 594 5 February 2002 55 February 2002 0
Forestry Commission 527 31 January 2002

Departments HC No. Cmd No.1 Laid Published2 Workign days between laying and publishing
Forestry Commission Pension Scheme 535 31 January 2002
GAD 284 31 October 2001 31 October 2001 0
HM Treasury 573 31 January 2002 14 March 2002 30
Home Office 5444 28 February 2002
Inland Revenue 425 12 December 2001 12 December 2001 0
Intervention Board Executive Agency 123 31 October 2001 31 October 2001 0
Lord Chancellor's Department 568 31 January 2002
MAFF 5447 28 February 2002
National Investment and Loans Office 321 31 October 2001 31 October 2001 0
NHS Pension Scheme (England and Wales) 569 31 January 2002 1 March 2002 21
Northern Ireland Court Service 570 31 January 2002 3 April 2002 44
Northern Ireland Office 5445 28 February 2002 11 April 2002 30
Office for National Statistics 122 31 January 2002
Ofgem 170 19 July 2001 19 July 2001 0
Ofsted 403 5 December 2001 5 December 2001 0
Oft 538 30 January 2002 30 January 2002 0
Oftel 416 12 December 2001 12 December 2001 0
Ofwat 313 21 November 2001 21 November 2001 0
ORR 490 30 January 2002 14 February 2002 11
Postal Services Commission4 495 30 January 2002 30 January 2002 0
Privy Council Office 571 31 January 2002 11 February 2002 7
Public Records Office 362 21 November 2001 21 November 2001 0
Scotland Office 531 31 January 2002 6 February 2002 4
Security and Intelligence Agencies 5446 28 February 2002 14 March 2002 10
Serious Fraud Office 572 30 January 2002 18 March 2002 33
Teachers Pension Scheme 552 31 January 2002 8 February 2002 6
Treasury Solicitors 574 31 January 2002 24 April 2002 59
UK Atomic Energy Authority—DTI 504 23 January 2002 23 January 2002 0
Wales Office 288 28 November 2001 28 November 2001 0
1 With the agreement of the NAO, these accounts were presented to Parliament on a non-statutory basis as Command papers with a target date of 30 March 2001 for the 1999–2000 accounts 24 April 2002 for the 2000–01 accounts.
2 Where no date is shown the accounts were not published by 24 April 2002.
3 This non-statutory resource account was published the day before it was presented to Parliament.
4 These organisations did not prepare resource accounts in 1999–2000.
5 Formal resource accounts were not separately published but included in the Food Standards Agency's annual report and accounts (HC 488). The publication date of HC 488 os given in the table.

As at 24 April 2002, and excluding those Departments which had not published their resource accounts by that date, the greatest, median and least number of working days elapsing between resource accounts for 2000–01 being laid formally upon the Table and made generally available to the public are:

  • Greatest: 59
  • Median: 1
  • Least: 0.

There are eight accounts still to be published and the Treasury is following up late publication with the Departments concerned.

The median number of working days elapsing between resource accounts for 1999–2000 being laid formally upon the Table and made generally available to the public was 21.

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