HL Deb 24 April 2002 vol 634 c33WA
Lord Faulkner of Worcester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have any information about the location, treatment and condition of Daw May Win Myint, an elected Burmese Member of Parliament who was arrested at a political meeting in Yangon in October 1997, and subsequently sentenced to seven years' imprisonment under Section 5j of the Emergency Provisions Act 1950; and whether they are prepared to make representations to the Government of Burma on her behalf. [HL3772]

Baroness Amos

Our latest information is that Daw May Myint remains in Insein prison. Prison conditions for political prisoners in Burma are deeply unsatisfactory, including lack of adequate nutrition and solitary confinement in small spaces.

Over 230 political prisoners have been released from detention in Burma since January 2001. Regrettably, Daw May Myint is one of over 1,500 who remain in prison. We are active in the EU and the UN in pressing for the release of all political prisoners.