HC Deb 23 April 2002 vol 384 cc138-41W
Mr. Peter Ainsworth

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what consultations(a) her Department is conducting and (b) have been conducted by her Department since May 2001. [51416]

Consultation Deadline
Consultation on Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery 9 July 2002
Review of seed certification in England: draft seeds regulations and registration, licensing and enforcement regulation 8 July 2002
Consultation on draft code of recommendations for the welfare of cattle 28 June 2002
Economic evaluation of the Apple and Pear Research Council 27 June 2002
Consultation on UK Ratification of the 1998 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Heavy Metals 11 June 2002
Consultation on proposed Agricultural Development Scheme 31 May 2002
Consultation on Public Rights of Way: Rules for procedures for Inquiries and Hearings held under The Highways Act 1980, Wildlife And Countryside Act 1981 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990 31 May 2002
Consultation on proposals for amendment to the Potato Industry Development Council Order 1997 (as amended) 29 May 2002
Review of agri-environmental schemes in England 27 May 2002
Consultation on Food And Environment Protection Act 1985 (Part II): Charges for Licences to Deposit Materials At Sea and Approval Of Oil Spill Treatment Products 25 May 2002
Consultation on proposals for an EU Directive on environmental liability 24 May 2002
Consultation on flood and coastal defence funding review 17 May 2002
Consultation on Fees for Seed Certification 2002– 03 13 May 2002
Consultation on fees for National Listing and Plant Breeders' Rights 13 May 2002
Consultation on developing a draft strategy for antimicrobial resistance in animals (VMD consultation) 7 May 2002
Consultation on detailed rules for determining the mesh size of fishing nets 6 May 2002
Consultation on an Animal Welfare Bill 30 April 2002
Consultation on the environmental impact of growing sugar beet 24 April 2002
Consultation on the Environment Agency's Objectives and Contribution to Sustainable Development 18 April 2002
Consultation on proposals for Regulations on Dedication of Access Land under Section 16 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 15 April 2002
Consultation on the Hills Task Force Report See Papers
Consultation on the Deregulation of Livestock Quotas: Review of Overgrazing Controls in England Suspended

(b) Since May 2001, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has conducted and closed the

Consultation Deadline
Consultation on proposals for Regulations on Dedication of Access Land under Section 16 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 15 April 2002
Consultation on conservation of native freshwater fish stocks—amendments to the Prohibition of Keeping or Release of Live Fish (Specified Species) Order 1998 1 April 2002
Consultation on quinquennial review and better quality services review of the UK Register of Organic Food Standards (UKROFS) 31 March 2002
Consultation on draft guidance to Local Highway Authorities on the preparation of Rights of Way Improvement Plans 28 March 2002
Consultation on quinquennial review of Horticulture Research International (HRI) 22 March 2002
Consultation on proposals for regulations on the exclusion or restriction of access to open countryside and registered common land under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 22 March 2002
Consultation on changes to the EU sheepmeat regime 15 March 2002
Consultation on proposed national ambient noise strategy for England 15 March 2002
Consultation on managing radioactive waste safely 12 March 2002
Amendments to 'The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations 1995' (Wask) 5 March 2002
Consultation on Better Quality Service review of the Egg Marketing Inspectorate 28 February 2002
Consultation outlining two options for reducing nitrate pollution of waters from agriculture in England 28 February 2002
Consultation on Proposals for Regulations on Provisional and Conclusive Maps under Section 11 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 8 February 2002
Quality town and parish councils—consultation 31 January 2002
Consultation on review of Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 31 January 2002
Consultation on guidance to draft codes of practice to minimise noise 31 January 2002
Consultation on Distribution of the £140 million Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund 21 January 2002
Consultation European Commission proposals on measures for the control and prevention of zoonoses 5 January 2002
Consultation on flood and coastal defence managed realignment: land purchase, compensation and payment for alternative beneficial land use 31 December 2001
Consultation on guidance on the role of flood and coastal defence in nature conservation in England 31 December 2001
Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000: Consultation on a Deferral of the Relevant Period for Applications of certain A2 and B Installations 19 December 2001
Consultation on Radioactive Substances: Proposed Natural Gas Exemption Order 19 December 2001
Air Quality Strategy: Particles, Benzene, Carbon Monoxide and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 12 December 2001
Milk Quotas: Consultation on new consolidated Dairy Produce Quotas Regulations 10 December 2001
Consultation on DEFRA voluntary Code of Practice for the prevention and control of salmonella in broiler flocks on farm 3 December 2001
Consultation on distribution of the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund 27 November 2001
Second consultation on Flood and Coastal Defence Funding Scheme Prioritisation System 26 November 2001
Consultation on implementation of Council Directive 1999/22/EC on the keeping of wild animals in zoos 23 November 2001
Consultation on changes to the BSE Offspring Slaughter Regulations 22 November 2001
Consultation on recovery and recycling targets for packaging waste in 2002 7 November 2001
Consultation on National Park Authorities and Broads Authority review 2 November 2001
Second Consultation on Implementing the Uncultivated Land and Semi-Natural Areas Provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive 31 October 2001
Consultation on waste management controls: proposed amendment to the duty of care 26 October 2001
Consultation on implementation of Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste (second consultation paper) 26 October 2001

Margaret Beckett

[holding answer 19 April 2002]: (a) The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is currently conducting 22 consultations. These consultations are listed in reverse chronological order of deadline date:

following 44 consultations, which are listed, also in reverse chronological order:

Consultation Deadline
Consultation on proposed EC Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings 26 October 2001
Consultation on Implementation of Directive 2001/18/EC on deliberate release of genetically modified organisms into the environment 26 October 2001
Proposals for regulations on Local Access Forums under sections 94 and 95 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 23 October 2001
Consultation on draft Groundwater Protection Code for Fuel Dispensing Facilities Involving Underground Storage Tanks 19 October 2001
Energy Efficiency Commitment—2002–05: Consultation Proposals 12 October 2001
Consultation on draft Regulations on vehicular access over common land, under Section 68 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 1 October 2001
Consultation on DEFRA Aim and Objectives 28 September 2001
Consultation on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Appeals Regulations 23 August 2001
Technical Amendments to the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994 23 August 2001
Consultation on the proposed reform of the EU sheepmeat regime 20 July 2001

Further information on all of the consultations can be obtained from the DEFRA website www.defra.gov.uk