HC Deb 22 April 2002 vol 384 cc114-5W
Mr. Woodward

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the average daily number of available beds in residential care for(a) mental illnesses and (b) learning disabilities in (i) St. Helens and Knowsley health authority. (ii) Merseyside, (iii) the North West (iv) England and (v) Scotland in (1) 1998, (2) 1999, (3) 2000, (4) 2001 and (5) the quarter to 31 March 2002. [48664]

Jacqui Smith

Annual information on the average daily number of available NHS residential care beds for England, regional office areas and each NHS trust is on the Department of Health website www.doh.gov.uk/hospitalactivity. Information on the number of places in local authority and independent sector care homes at 31 March for the relevant years in given in the table.

Information relating to Scotland is a matter for the devolved Administration.

Places in local authority and independent sector residential and nursing care homes for mentally ill an learning disabled people
Rounded numbers at 31 March
1998 1999 2000 2001
St. Helens and Knowsley HA
Mental illness1 390 430 430 450
Learning disability 410 300 310 320
Mental illness1 2,760 2,860 2,740 2,880
Learning disability 1,930 1,850 1,840 1,940
North West
Mental illness1 9,300 9,910 10,030 9,620
Learning disability 5,390 5,020 5,440 5,360
Mental illness1 66,500 66,180 68,760 68,880
Learning disability 53,480 55,290 57,410 47,090
1 Includes homes for elderly mentally ill people


DH Returns

Vernon Coaker

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what plans he has to review the eligibility criteria for people with dementia towards help in meeting their costs should they require residential care; and if he will make a statement. [49925]

Jacqui Smith

The Government expect that access to care services should be determined on the basis of individuals' needs and risks to independence, rather than reference to particular health conditions or other circumstances. Guidance on fair eligibility criteria for adult social care will be published shortly.

When individuals need to enter residential care their eligibility for financial support from local councils, and the contribution they should make to care home fees, is determined in accordance with the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992. All residents are treated equally under these regulations.