HC Deb 19 April 2002 vol 383 c1208W
James Purnell

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if Zimbabwe was discussed during the EU General Affairs Council on 15 April. [51811]

Mr. Straw

On 15 April, the EU General Affairs Council imposed a moratorium on bilateral ministerial level contacts with Zimbabwe until further notice, except for the conduct of political dialogue intended to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Zimbabwe, and on issues relating to regional security or for addressing humanitarian needs. The Council decided to defer consideration of additional targeted measures against the Government of Zimbabwe until its next meeting in May. An EU Troika will visit Southern Africa soon, to discuss the situation in Zimbabwe with SADC countries (not Zimbabwe itself).

We have made clear that the people of Zimbabwe have been denied their fundamental right to choose by whom they are governed. We support efforts by South Africa and Nigeria to facilitate dialogue between ZANU (PF) and MDC, to try to restore democracy and the rule of law in Zimbabwe. We remain in continuous contact with our EU, US, Commonwealth and SADC partners.