HC Deb 17 April 2002 vol 383 cc993-4W
Tony Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what information she has received on how the European Union budget line B7–6211 on the fight against poverty diseases is to be spent. [48994]

Clare Short

The 2002 European Community budget includes euro 25.2 million for budget line B7–6211 (HIV/AIDS Policies and Programmes). Euro 20 million is intended to support specific projects with a focus on programmes targeting HIV prevention in youth. Euro 5.2 million will support a number of specific initiatives including the Barcelona HIV/AIDS conference, the Asia-Pacific Leadership Forum and the AIDS Vaccine Preparedness Project (with International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and the World bank).

The Commission have tabled a draft regulation to cover the diseases of poverty (HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis) which sets out how it is proposed to spend the funds in budget line B7–6211 in 2003–06. This draft regulation is currently under consideration and is being discussed by UK officials with other member states.

Tony Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much expenditure has been committed for this year of budget line B7–6211 (fight against poverty diseases) in the European Union; and what the projected spending under this budget is for this financial year. [48995]

Clare Short

Allocations for budget line B7–6211 (Aid for poverty-related diseases) for 2002 are:

  • Commitments——euro 26,123,000
  • Payments——euro 18,080,000.

In addition, euro 60 million allocated to this budget line in 2001 will be paid to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in 2002. There is no 2002 payment outturn projection available but by the end of February euro 0.8 million had been spent.